Northern Health – Regional HIV and Hepatitis C Request for Proposals Now Available


Northern Health seeks to extend the reach of community-based services in response to HIV and Hepatitis C. Following the announcement of the Regional HIV and Hepatitis C Implementation Plan in December, 2015, the Regional Chronic Diseases Program (RCD) has been consulting northerners about the best way to assist communities to take the next steps, outside of Prince George, Smithers and Dawson Creek, where services are currently being contracted.

Now through RCD and Population and Public Health, additional funding will be made available to strengthen community-based responses to HIV and Hepatitis C in Northern communities. Non-profit agencies and First Nations health organizations can propose to deliver community-based prevention education, distribute and recover harm reduction supplies, provide testing and supports for people to start and maintain treatment. Proposals are due June 29, 2016, and successful proposals will begin delivering services in October 2016. The RFP and other related documents can be found and downloaded through