CPPN: Join People Living with HIV in Petitioning Canadian Political Leaders


The Canadian Positive People Network held a Press Conference  and meet-and-greet in Toronto on September 25 at the 519 Community Centre in Toronto to release their Pre-Election statement. Daily Xtra was there to cover the press conference.

We are kindly asking you to sign, support and share with your networks the CPPN/RCPS petition to Canadian political leaders and incoming government. Our petition request the political leaders and incoming government to place HIV as a priority health issue and to meaningfully engage people living with HIV at all decision-making tables of the Canadian HIV response.

The CPPN/RCPS Change.org petition can be accessed and signed here: https://goo.gl/Jm182B

The petition is open to community living with HIV, organizations, and allies to sign. In order for the petition to make an impact, we must have as many people sign on to support the petition as possible. Let us work together so the political leaders and incoming government know that we are serious about our demand so we can make positive changes in the coming years!

We also want to thank all the national partners and regional/local ASO representatives who were present at the CPPN/RCPS Community Press Conference/Meet-and-Greet at the 519 on Thursday, September 25, 2015. DailyXtra had filmed the press conference and we will be sharing the link with you when the video is available online.

We thank you for your support in advance.

In solidarity,