Universities Without Walls: What’s hot with PRAs in Canada part 8

uwwWednesday, September 30th, 2:00 PM EST

“What’s Hot with Peer Research Associates (PRAs)?” is an online talk show about community-based research that has people living with HIV as the main protagonists.

8th Edition : “GIPA/MIPA: I’ve heard of it.”
hosted by James Watson

The Greater and more Meaningful involvement of PLHIV is based on the idea that the personal experiences of PLHIV should shape the AIDS movement. UNAIDS describes GIPA as a “principle that aims to realize the rights and responsibilities of people living with HIV, including their right to self-determination and participation in the decision-making that affects their lives.” But how much do people really know about this principle, who is implementing it and how?

Is the potential of GIPA/MIPA being fully realized in research? Does the birth of the new Canadian Positive People’s Network help push the GIPA/MIPA agenda forward? One person’s MIPA is another person’s MEPA and yet another’s MIWA…what gives? Is it time for a rethink?

To help us discuss these issues and identify some solutions we are bringing together some exciting guests from across the country who will offer their unique perspectives on GIPA/MIPA including Christian Hui, Alex McClelland and Valerie Nicholson . The talk show will be held at 2:00 pm EST on Wednesday, September 30th. This is the eighth installment in our ongoing “What’s Hot with PRAs?” series.

This discussion will be held online using Instant Presenter. To ensure you’re able to participate, test your system’s compatibility. We encourage you to be an active participant, and you can learn how by watching this short video tutorial.

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