Gay Men’s Health Summit 2015: Undoing Stigma – Call for Submissions

Gay Men's Health SummitNovember 5 and 6, 2015
SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings Street

The theme of this year’s Gay Men’s Health Summit is “Undoing Stigma”; focusing on the impact of stigma on the health and well-being of gay men.  Submissions are welcomed related to gay men’s health, and in particular submissions related to this year’s Summit theme.

DEADLINE for Submissions: Extended to Monday, September, 14 at 5:00pm

Send your submission, 300-word max, with title, author(s) and affiliation to: [email protected].

PRESENTATIONS: 15-20 minutes
Background/Issues: Research/program objectives; summary of issues
Description: Research methods; description of actions
Results: Summary of data; lessons learned
Conclusions: Implications; next steps

WORKSHOP OR PANEL: 1 or 1.5 hour
Overview: Background; rationale
Description: Intended audience; learning objectives
Activities: Discussion; speakers
Conclusions: Implications for gay men’s health