Pacific Hepatitis C Network: PharmaCare Covered Hep C Treatments

Hep C NetworkThe number of BC PharmaCare covered hep C treatments has been increasing and so has the information gathered by the Hepatitis C Treatment Information Project. The Hep C TIP now has new pages dedicated to BC’s PharmaCare and the treatments that are covered by it. These pages are:

Treatments Targeted Genotype
Ribavirin with Pegylated Interferon (PEG/RBV) 2 – 6
Victrelis (boceprevir) 1
Galexos (simeprevir) 1
Sovaldi (sofosbuvir) 1 – 3
Harvoni (ledipasvir and sofosbuvir) 1

For more information about currently approved hep C treatments in BC, new and emerging drugs, the drug approval process in Canada and BC, or hep C support programs, please visit PHCN’s Hepatitis C Treatment Information Project or email [email protected].