AIDS Vancouver: Purchase Bif Naked’s “Intellectual” and Support AIDS Vancouver

Bif Naked photoVancouver’s own international recording artist, Bif Naked, is donating all of the proceeds from her newly released single “Intellectual” to AIDS Vancouver in honour of World AIDS Day. The song is available now on iTunes and Google Play!

All proceeds of the song will go directly to AIDS Vancouver programming and initiatives, so please be sure to help us spread the word by sharing the song with friends, family and co-workers!

Bif Naked is a celebrated performer, musician, and a tireless advocate and humanitarian. Orphaned in India, emancipated by punk rock, and empowered by surviving breast cancer, kidney failure, heart surgery, divorce, and surviving as a woman in the entertainment industry for 25 years, Bif has transcended all obstacles placed in her path to become one of the world’s most unique, recognizable and beloved icons. Because Bif is such a tremendous performer and musician, she’s able to seamlessly explore and master other artistic mediums including writing, painting, choreography, and other genres of music.

“Adults and children are still living with HIV/AIDS all over the world and I think we need to bring it back into the forefront, and remind the world that there are people, everywhere, from every walk of life, that still need us and need our help. HIV/AIDS affects everybody, every race, every gender, every religion, every community. We must continue to raise awareness and keep going.” says Bif Naked.

Thank you for your support!

AIDS Vancouver