CATIE Webinar – A Complicated Dilemma: HIV and infant feeding

CATIELogoColTuesday, November 25, 2014 @ 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.

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  • Logan Kennedy, MN, RN, Research Associate for the Interdisciplinary HIV Pregnancy Research Group (IHPREG), Women’s College Hospital, Toronto
  • Dr. Lena Serghides, Scientist at the Toronto General Research Institute, University Health Network, Toronto
  • Dr. Saara Greene, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Work, McMaster University, Hamilton

In Canada, parents who are living with HIV are advised not to breastfeed infants, as this may present a risk for the vertical transmission of the virus. In a social context where breastfeeding is often touted as being optimal for babies’ physical and emotional health, the decision not to breastfeed can be a difficult one. This webinar will examine the science behind the vertical transmission of HIV in the context of breastfeeding, as well as some of the issues and tensions that emerge for positive parents who are asked to formula-feed. Presenters will also provide tangible options and strategies that parents can use to help lessen and mitigate some of these tensions.

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Webinar series: HIV-positive parenting in Canada
Presented by CATIE and the Interdisciplinary HIV Pregnancy Research Group (IHPREG), this three-part webinar series will explore issues related to HIV, pregnancy and parenting in Canada. The series will feature presentations from people living with HIV, healthcare providers and researchers.


Coming soon:

  • Life With Baby: What happens next?

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All webinars will be recorded and available for viewing online after the broadcast. Please note that this webinar will be presented in English. A French version of this webinar series will be presented in 2015.