Gay Men’s Health Summit 2014: Keynote Speakers and Call for Submissions

Gay Men's Health SummitThursday October 30th and Friday October 31st, 2014
SFU Harbour Centre
Vancouver, BC


The New Literacy of Gay Men’s Health:
How do you know what you know?
Join us for another stimulating event with a lineup of guest speakers with an interest in gay men and health literacy from multiple perspectives, including…

  • Brent Allan, Executive Officer, Living Positive Victoria, Melbourne, Australia will speak on the ENUF campaign to resist HIV stigma and promote resilience
  • Paul Flowers from Glasgow Caledonian University will share his perspective on HIV testing and gay men
  • Perry Kendall, BC’s Provincial Health Officer, will address recommendations for gay men in his new report, “HIV, Stigma and Society”

Online registration will open later in September.

Deadline for Submissions: September 8, 2014

Send your submission, 300 word max, with title, author(s) and affiliation(s) to:
[email protected]

Presentations: 15-20 minutes
Background/Issues: Research/program objectives; summary of issues
Description: Research methods; description of actions
Results: Summary of data; lessons learned
Conclusions: Implications; next steps

Workshop or Panel: 1 or 1.5 hour
Overview: Background; rationale
Description: Intended audience; learning objectives
Activities: Discussion; speakers
Conclusions: Implications for gay men’s health

Deadline for Submissions: September 8, 2014


The BC Gay Men’s Health Summit is organized by the Community-Based Research Centre for Gay Men’s Health, in collaboration with the BC Centre for Disease Control and the Health Initiative for Men.