PHCN Practitioner Survey – INVITATION

This fall, the Pacific Hepatitis C Network (PHCN)  embarked on a Core Program and Service Planning Project.

To develop an effective Core Program and Services, we need to learn what is important to you in your work (direct or indirect) with people living with or at-risk for hepatitis C.  Our needs assessment process includes surveys, interviews and focus groups.  You’ll see the survey link below.  If you are interested in participating in an interview or in a focus group, please be in touch.  We will be inviting respondents as well.


Why take this survey?

Some 65,000 people, from many backgrounds, live with hepatitis C in British Columbia – the chances are good that regardless of what services you provide, someone living with or at-risk for hepatitis C will be in your client/member roster, known or unknown.

Please note:  we wish to learn about your needs and support you to get the information and training you need for your work with hepatitis C – however little or much you deal with it in your work, or that your clients deal with it in their lives.

 Who do we want to hear from?

Here is a list of the kinds of services and organizations, among others, we think are already providing services to people living or at-risk for hepatitis C, either directly or indirectly:

  •  Community services
  • Youth services
  • Womens’ services
  • AIDS Service Organizations
  • Mental Health and Addiction services (community or health authority-based)
  • Street Outreach services
  • Shelter and Housing services
  • Aboriginal Friendship Centres
  • Treatment centres
  • Corrections services
  • Probation services
  • Aboriginal and First Nations Health Centre

If you are new to this, please be in touch for basic hepatitis C information – but please also take the survey:  your input and experiences are important!

Please feel free to circulate this email at will – we appreciate the support!  We are also sending this survey to contacts who may not provide a direct service, but who can help with getting the survey/this email to their staff/colleagues/contacts that do.  If this is you, again, thank-you for the support.

What is required?

The survey takes around 8 – 10 minutes to complete.  Your answers are anonymous and will be presented as a whole (aggregate) with everyone else’s.  We may highlight specific comments in our final report or other documents but again, your name will not be attached.

 What else?

We would, however, like to offer the option of having your name, title and organization listed in the ‘thank you and credit to’ section of the final report.  That is a separate link below, unconnected to your survey response.

Included is an option to provide your mailing address so we may send you, as a small token of our appreciation, some hepatitis C awareness merch – bracelets, java jackets and an information sheet.


PHCN Practitioner Survey

Final Report Credits – Name and Organization

Please be in touch about this survey or anything else we might assist with.
Thank you so much for your time, energy and input!!