Housing Toolkit

Coming Soon!


Our Housing Toolkit is a product coming out of the Positive Living, Positive Homes study.

Positive Living, Positive Homes is a community-based research project in British Columbia that came out of the community’s identification of housing as a critical health determinant for people living with, or at risk of, HIV and AIDS.


Toolkit pieces will include:

  • Understanding housing in BC
  • Self-assessment for housing options
  • Practical concerns about moving and setting up a home
  • Landlords and tenants
  • Stigma and housing


The Toolkit will launch in Spring 2019. In the meantime, visit our Positive Living, Positive Homes page to learn more about the study and who was involved.



The Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS have generously provided PAN and UVIC a 2018 Reach Award to support the development of the Housing Toolkit. Learn more about our Supporters.