Call for AccolAIDS 2016 Nominations: Nominate Your Hero in the BC HIV/AIDS Movement!

accolaidsPositive Living BC’s provincial awards gala, AccolAIDS 2016, is steadily approaching! As you are aware, over the years many individuals, working independently and through organizations, groups, institutions and businesses, have demonstrated extraordinary dedication, determination and compassion in responding to the HIV epidemic in BC. AccolAIDS 2016 is a tribute to their hard work and achievements, and a chance for our community to join together as a whole to recognize and celebrate all the remarkable work taking place.

As a provincial organization, we rely on friends like you to promote the work of groups and individuals doing exemplary work across the province. We urge you to consider nominating a colleague, friend, or volunteer, and to help us spread the word in your community by sharing on social media. 

There are seven award categories:

·         Youth Leader Award

·         Innovative Policy, Programs and Services

·         Social/Political/Community Action

·         Philanthropy

·         Science/Research/Technology

·         Kevin Brown Positive Hero Award    *Nominee for this award must be HIV positive

·         Panel’s Merit Award

An independent Advisory Panel, composed of individuals selected on the basis of their related work and/or voluntary experience, will coordinate the award selection process. The Closing Date for Nominations for AccolAIDS 2014  is 5 p.m., Friday, February 26th, 2016. The nomination process is simple.  Complete nomination criteria and guidelines can be found online at, or you can print out the nominations form by following this link, selecting the “Nominations Form” tab, and clicking “download.”

Starting March 22nd, 2016, all nominee bios submitted by closing deadline will be posted on our website, giving people everywhere the opportunity to vote for their hero online for the AccolAIDSPeople’s Choice” Community Award.  Winner will be announced at AccolAIDS.

This year, we’ll celebrate AccolAIDS at the Vancouver Convention Centre on Sunday, April 24th, from 6 pm to 10 pm.  Please join us and show your support!

For more information regarding nominations and tickets, please contact us by phone at 604.893.2242 or by email at [email protected]