New Research and Evaluation Treehouse Resources

While research and evaluation are different, they share many similarities, especially when thinking about participatory methods. We think of research and evaluation like two different trees with different origins, intertwined in methods and analysis, that separate again in what they can tell you and how their information is shared.

PAN’s Research and Evaluation department has put together a Treehouse to share resources that can be helpful for both evaluation and research. Read more about how PAN’s Treehouse came to be.

Visit the Treehouse to see a collection of Research and Evaluation Resources, or keep reading to see our newest additions.

Check out these new links, videos, tools and other resources!

Making Allyship Work: Allyship Perspectives in a Community-Based Research Study

Read about our submission to the Journal of Indigenous HIV Research and how allyship shows up in the Making it Work Research Study.

Manitoba Community Event-Based STBBI Testing Toolkit

Questions and answers about a toolkit developed by the Manitoba Harm Reduction Network to increase access to STBBI testing in community.

Researcher’s Handbook

This handbook is built on the experiences of Peer Researchers and is a guide for research teams to meaningfully engage with people with lived experience. It includes topics like recruitment, onboarding, and supporting Peer Researchers.

From Theory to Practice: The Challenges and Opportunities of Doing Participatory Evaluation

This blog post details PAN’s experience with participatory evaluation and shares recommendations and resources to help teams understand how to engage in participatory evaluation.

Decolonizing Methodologies: A Conversation

In this series of videos Sherri Pooyak of the AHA Centre shares her wisdom about decolonizing methodologies and doing research in good ways with Indigenous communities.

Team Discussion Tool: Supporting Teams to Build a Common Understanding about Information Sharing and Data Stewardship for Evaluation Projects

A PAN-developed discussion framework that can be helpful for teams to talk about and establish a clear understanding of each other’s needs when working on evaluation projects.


Questions? Feedback? Resources to share? Get in touch!
Joanna Mendell, Director of Research and Evaluation, [email protected]