Help shape our Northern Health webinar with this 30 second poll

We are inviting those living in the Northern Health region to help shape your region’s upcoming PAN presents… webinar in late January, which will feature staff from NH. Towards this end, we invite you to complete a 30-second poll here.

Historically as part of an annual Fall Conference, Pacific AIDS Network (PAN) has organized a panel presentation by Regional Health Authority representatives, along with presenters from PHAC, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions and more recently the Overdose Emergency Response Centre. This year we are looking to provide this programming in a new format, driven by evaluation finding that there was not enough time for questions or responses.

So, we are now providing a series of webinar events for members and allies to engage in a meaningful way. In May, PAN presented Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) talking about the Harm Reduction fund, and in September the PHSA spoke on a variety of community-chose hot topics.  Now it’s your turn!

We want to tailor presentations and the subsequent Q&A session in response to what interests you.  The wide-ranging topics on offer are:

  • Overview of the current rates in NH region for HIV testing, as well as new diagnoses compared to goals
  • Overview of the current data around distribution of harm reduction supplies
  • Talk about the new men’s health testing initiative in PG (tbc)
  • Give an overview of the NH HIV/HCV action plan for 2020-2023 (tbc)
  • Discuss some of the initiatives underway by our community partners
  • Person in charge of RETAIN for NH talk about that program


Choose now!


The poll will stay open until January 10th.  If you have a request for another topic not on the list, just email me.


Questions? Feedback?
Get in touch!
Simon Goff, Executive Assistant and Collective Impact Coordinator,
[email protected]