Dr. Gabor Maté: Breaking Controversial Ground in the Treatment of Addictions

Gabor Maté has been walking the streets of Downtown Eastside Vancouver providing care to people who are often living in circumstances of severe addiction. Over the years, he has become one of Canada’s leading thinkers on trauma and addictions. In this, he draws on various knowledge systems as he seeks to understand the causes of human suffering and potential healing practices.

His most recent explorations have led him into the jungles of Peru and into the world of ancient traditional knowledge and medicines. Despite the evidence that this knowledge can provide deep healing and transformative possibilities for his patients, Health Canada has deemed his work inappropriate and has threatened his professional career.

A recent episode of the Nature of Things with David Suzuki traces Mate’s latest journey into the Amazon and his experiences with bringing sacred knowledge and plants to his patients.

The Jungle Prescription


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Carlene Dingwall (BA, M.Ed, PHd in progress)

Mental Health, Substance Use and HIV/HCV Initiative