Thank you to all the participants for making the Prevention Education Training and Networking session, held on Feb. 26 – 28, 2014 a great success.
Thank you to all of our presenters, speakers and facilitators for their contribution!
Available Downloads:
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014
- Opening Plenary: What is meant by “effective” interventions? – Presenter: Dr. Dan Allman
- Plenary: Epidemiology 101 – Presenter: Warren Michelow – coming soon
- Plenary: Comprehensive Epi Update
HIV/AIDS and STI – Presenter: Dr. Mark Gilbert
Hepatitis B and C – Presenter:Dr. Naveed Janjua
- Concurrent Session #1: Panel Presentation: Peer involvement in prevention programming
o Peer Development! Are you Ready? – Presenters: Kari Hackett & Cody Vigeant
o Healthy Relationships with our Hearts – Presenter: Elina Chiu (No download)
o Beyond Intervention: Social Justice through Privileged Experiential Perspectives in Street College Educations – Presenters: Katie Lacroix & Wayne Dunning (No download)
o Heroin-Assisted Therapy: SNAP Advocacy, Education and Support in the DTES – Presenters: Dave Murray & Susan Boyd
o Making Leadership Accessible to Women – Presenters: Rebeccah Parry & Monique Desroches
- Concurrent Session #2: What’s art got to do with it? Using the arts to engage communities around HIV, STIs and HCV – Presenter: Sarah Switzer
o Handouts:
- Concurrent Session #3: Identifying gay men with acute HIV infection through promotional campaigns and pooled NAAT testing – Presenters: Dr. Mark Gilbert and Meaghan Thumath
- Concurrent Session #4: A demonstration of a narrated, easy to use electronic resource promoting education, prevention, care and treatment of hepatitis C – Presenter: Terri Buller-Taylor
Prevention of transmission vs prevention of death: Culture, stigma and hepatitis c outreach efforts to diverse populations – Presenter: Cheryl Reitz
Thursday, Feb.27, 2014
- Concurrent Session #1: New best practice recommendations for Canadian harm reduction programs – Presenter: Sara Young
Crack pipe FAQs: What service providers need to know – Presenter: Andrew Ivsins
- Concurrent Session #2: HIV unmasked: An educational experience for community – Presenters: Melanie Monds, Marilyn Morrison and Valerie (No download)
o Handout: HIV unMasked
- Concurrent Session #3: The Investigaytors: Community-based research for young gay men – Presented by: Investigaytor team
Engaging, educating and empowering gay millenials in HIV prevention: Lessons from Vancouver’s Mpowerment Project – Presenter: Andrew Shopland
- Concurrent Session #4: Reducing transmission of sexually transmitted and bloodborne infections: what is the evidence base of effective interventions, and how can program science help us implement, evaluate, scale-up and sustain – Presenter: Dr. Sean Rourke
o Handouts:
- Integrated Behavioral Intervention to Improve HIV/AIDS Treatment and Reduce HIV Transmission
- A Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce HIV Transmission Risk Behaviors and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Women Living with HIV
- A Randomized Intervention Trial to Reduce the lending of Used Injection Equipment Among Injection Drug Users with Hepatitis C
- Effects of a Coping Intervention on Transmission Risk Behavior Among People Living with HIV/AIDS and a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse
- Feasibility, Acceptability and Preliminary Efficacy of an Online HIV Prevention Program for Diverse Young Men who have Sex with Men: The Keep It Up! Intervention
- A Novel Approach to Prevention for At-Risk HIV-Negative Men Who Have Sex With Men: Creating a Teachable Moment to Promote Informed Sexual Decision-Making
- Plenary Keynote – Presenter: Jessica Danforth (No download)
- IGNITE Panel & Discussion Groups:
o Sharing food & Education – a powerful combination – Presenter: Sarah Sullivan
o Strategies for addressing gender, racial and socioeconomic inequalities – Presenter: Jill Chettiar
o The Invitations: Doing dignity in environments of shame and stigma – Presenter: Kristen Kvakic
o A universe of stories: Our process from idea to effective workshop – Presenter: Mary Jackson – coming soon
o A look at community readiness: Ideas and practice – Presenters: Amanda Walker & Erica Thomson
- Plenary: A cornucopia of STIs
Due to illness this session had to be revised and included two presentations from the BCCDC and an interactive session hosted by Heidi Exner. We would also like to thank Andrea Langlois, Hermione Jefferis, Andrew Shopland, Melissa Medjuck, Sangam, Sheena Campbell and Gina McGowan for their assistance.
Hepatitis Basics – Presenter: Sandi Mitchell
SmartSex Resources – Presenter: Devon Haag
o Handout: Plenty of Syph Dating Profiles
Friday, Feb.28, 2014
- Concurrent Session #1: Mental Health & Substance use 101 – Presenter: Carlene Dingwall
- Concurrent Session #2: Promising and proven HIV prevention and interventions in rural and remote regions in Canada: Creating an online resource – Presenters: Catherine Worthington and Tamara Herman
- Plenary: Understanding pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) – Presenters: James Wilton and Len