Thank you to all the participants for making the Prevention Education Workers Training and Networking session, held on March 1 & 2, a great success. A special thank you to Renewing Our Response for partnering with us on this training.
Thank you to all of our presenters, speakers and facilitators for their contribution:
- Gerry Oleman, from the Stl’atl’imx Nation
- Liza McGuinness, Hepatitis Services, BC Centre for Disease Control
- Dr. Gail Butt, Hepatitis Services, BC Centre for Disease Control
- Terry Howard, BC HIV/AIDS Community-Based Research Facilitator
- Captain Snowdon, AIDS Vancouver Island (Victoria)
- Leanne Cunningham, AIDS Vancouver Island (Campbell River)
- Glen Bradford, BC Persons With AIDS Society
- Chuck Osborne, BC Persons With AIDS Society
- Melanie Rivers, Chee Mamuk Aboriginal Program, BCCDC
- Sarah Callahan, Chee Mamuk Aboriginal Program, BCCDC
- Matthew Louie, YouthCO AIDS Society
- Ivo Haggerty, YouthCO AIDS Society
- Heidi Standeven, Red Road HIV/AIDS Network Society/Renewing our Response
Available Downloads:
Please Note: Some of these files are quite large and may take some time to download depending on the speed of your connection.
Speaking Up for Hepatitis Care and Support. Presenters: Liza McGuinness and Dr. Gail Butt, Hepatitis Services, BC Centre for Disease Control.
HIV-related Prevention Interventions In BC. Presenter: Terry Howard, BC HIV/AIDS Community-Based Research Facilitator.
Queer in the Sticks: Having an Impact on Homophobia and Transphobia in Rural Communities – Stories, Strategies, Resistance. Presenters: Captain Snowdon, Coordinator Gay Men’s Community Development, AIDS Vancouver Island (Victoria) and Leanne Cunningham, Positive Wellness Counsellor & Harm Reduction Worker, AIDS Vancouver Island (Campbell River). – DOWNLOADS PENDING
Navigating a Positive Life. Presenters: Glen Bradford and Chuck Osborne – Positive Living BC (Formerly the BC Persons With AIDS Society).
Bringing Culture into the Classroom. Presenters: Melanie Rivers, Program Manager & Sarah Callahan, Educator – Chee Mamuk Aboriginal Program, BCCDC.
Aboriginal Youth Program (AYP) – Peer Education. Presenters: Matthew Louie, Aboriginal Youth Program Coordinator – YouthCO AIDS Society and Ivo Haggerty, Aboriginal Youth Program Educator, YouthCO AIDS Society. – DOWNLOADS PENDING
Roundtable Discussion – Critical, emerging and issues of interest for the sector/practice and Staying Connected. Facilitators: Heidi Standeven, Provincial Coordinator, Red Road HIV/AIDS Network Society/Renewing our Response and Stacy Leblanc, Pacific AIDS Network
A copy of the agenda/programme used for PAN participants is available HERE.
A copy of the ROR meeting agenda used on day one is available HERE.
A copy of the evaluation report is available HERE.