Virtual Event Series: Gender Construct and Continuum


We were excited to host this virtual training series looking at gender constructs and experiences along the gender continuum. Our goal for this series is that it supports people in making their work more affirming, welcoming, and culturally safe*, reducing stigma and discrimination.


Turning up the Outrage Machine

with Dr. Gerald Walton

Suggested resources from presenter:

Being Boys: Shaping Gender Norms to Weaken Rape Culture

Get to know Tarana Burke, founder of the Me Too movement

Tarana Burke: Me Too is a movement, not a moment

What Rape Culture Says About Masculinity

What So Many Men Are Missing About #MeToo


Supporting Indigenous Men’s Health and Wellness

with Kyle Sam and Frank Cohn

Connect with Dudes Club


Trans Connections in Rural Communities

with Nicola Hare

Connect with ANKORS’ Trans Connect program


Standing Up to Violence Aginst Women and Children

with Sage Lacerte

Connect with Moose Hide Campaign


Creating Community for Women Living with HIV Through Dance

with Naomi Maldonado-Rodriguez and Shelly Tognazzini


Powering Advocacy Utilizing Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Drag

with Athanasius Sylliboy

Image: Darnok, Morguefile


* We are working with a Public Health Agency of Canada definition of cultural safety which encompasses more than physical health: “An environment where an individual feels physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually safe in the absence of challenges or a denial of their experiences, identities and needs; where individuals from different cultures with unique traditions, values and belief systems are respected and understood. This includes people from marginalized and minority communities.” This definition is in PHAC’s HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund and Harm Reduction Fund grant, which funds our Training and Leadership events.