PAN has continued to provide services that strengthen and support a coordinated and effective community-based response to HIV and hepatitis C in our province. We do this by co-leading the Collective Impact Network (CIN) – in active partnership with the PHSA – as well as through the activities of our larger capacity-building network. PAN also serves as the backbone organization of the network, coordinating the efforts to bring the member groups together for in-person meetings (3 times per year), planning and action.
The CIN is comprised of the PHSA (BCCDC, BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre) and all of the PHSA-funded HIV/hepatitis C community contracts. In the last year, due to new contracts being awarded for work involving women living with HIV, the CIN now has nine community agencies actively participating– an expansion of 50% since the inception of this network. Profiles of each of the participating organizations in respect to the CIN have been published previously (YouthCO; Pivot Legal Society; CBRC; Pacific Hepatitis C Network; Positive Living BC; and the new agencies: Options; Central Interior Native Health Society; Vancouver Friends for Life). As of September 2019, the FNHA has also joined the table, which is an exciting development.
The philosophy behind collective impact is that complex social challenges can be better addressed by a group of stakeholders with a common agenda than these issues can be addressed when groups act on their own. The primary goal of the Collective Impact Network (CIN) is to facilitate collaboration on priority areas that will best support people living with HIV and hepatitis C and the frontline organizations that serve them. The CIN has been meeting for just over two years, and our priorities continue to be:
1. Increase involvement of People with Lived Experience (PWLE);
2. Increase program equity and services
a) for HIV and hepatitis C;
b) across BC (urban, suburban, rural and remote locations);
3. Harm Reduction;
4. Reducing Stigma
PAN’s use of shared measurement data collection tools has enabled the CIN to evaluate its own effectiveness, among other things. In light of this, the major agreed-upon change back in September 2018 was to move the primary activities of the CIN to the workgroup level. CIN workgroups are comprised of a subset of CIN members that create and address goals within their respective priority area, supported administratively by PAN where needed. After reviewing current needs and capacity, three new workgroups were formed in September 2018, meeting twice to finalize their team (including peer involvement), formulate objectives and a work plan. PAN actively participates in all groups.
Workgroup 1: Increase the involvement of PWLE
(Lead Agency: PHCN. Team: PAN, PLBC, FFL)
The purpose of this project is to increase meaningful involvement of people with lived experience (PWLE) of HIV and hepatitis C by exploring the differences between ‘best practices’ and the working realities in community-based organizations (CBOs) and health authorities (HA) across the province. The work has progressed well this year through a substantial literature review, followed by the creation of a survey that will go out to peers, CBOs and HAs in late 2019. This team has engaged peers at all stages, and the survey construction and evaluation has been supported by PAN.
Workgroup 2: Increase program equity and services across BC
(Lead Agencies: Options, CBRC. Team: YouthCO, PHCN, CINHS, FFL)
The team is exploring ways of building trust and connections with rural communities, supporting rural agencies in adapting existing interventions and advocating for remote/rural funds. The group reached out to support individuals accessing the PHSA Innovation Fund, offering services such as writing grants and supporting people on calls – and continues to find ways to promote connections to rural communities. We are looking forward to CINHS helping shape this work through their frontline experience.
Workgroup 3: Stigma reduction
(Lead Agencies: PLBC, YouthCO; Team: Options, CBRC, PAN, PIVOT)
In the light of project changes and challenges during the year, this group is now focusing its attention on partnering in direct anti-HIV stigma work in the Fraser Health region with frontline agencies.
Finally, PAN provided backbone support again for the PHSA’s Innovation Fund and this time the call to apply was wider than our network. Applicants were asked to outline how their project aligned with the work of the CIN and how it meaningfully engaged people with lived experience and collaboration with other organizations. The CIN scored the applications, which were submitted to an independent evaluation committee to give their recommendations to the funder. The successful recipients this time were: funding for an Indigenous Health Promotion Lead (CBRC) and a Deliberative Dialogue: Developing Evidence-Based Stigma Reduction Interventions (PAN). Read more.
Thank you to all who have contributed to the Collective Impact Network this past year. We look forward to seeing the concrete outcomes from our workgroup activity by spring next year.
For more information about the Collective Impact Network, contact Simon Goff, Collective Impact Network Coordinator, [email protected]
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Image: Tim Mossholder, Unsplash