Research Findings into Action: Making it Work Community-Based Research Study Video

Making It Work is a research project that looked at integrated community-based services provided for people living with HIV, hepatitis C, and/or challenges with mental health and/or substance use. The study considered an Indigenous worldview to focused on how organizations deliver programs and services and create cultural safety for their clients.

Multiple data collections methods were used to engage service users, service providers, people who fit both roles, and other members of our community-based research team. These data sources were used to develop and refine a program theory that illistrate why, when, how, and for whom, community-based services work well for people living with HIV, hepatitis C, and/or challenges with mental health and/or substance use.

As we worked to conclude the study in Spring 2024, the team developed a final report, infographic on the final study findings, and presentations to the case study sites and surrounding communities they serve.

To further explain the study program theory and main themes of the study we developed a video that shares the importance of the study findings through the voices of those at the heart of the study.
We are now continuing the knowledge sharing phase to develop publications and a guidebook to help existing community-based programs and services integrate the study findings and apply it to their work.
Please visit the Making it Work webpage to stay up to date on new knowledge sharing products on the Making it Work study.

You can view the video here.