The BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS is looking for participants in the SHAPE study.
A few details for potential participants about the study:
• Eligible participants are those who are Living with HIV, 19 years of age or older, a current resident of British Columbia, have had a HIV viral load test and/or received HIV medications in British Columbia, able to complete the survey in English and provide informed consent.
• A $40 honorarium will be paid to participants for completing a 1-time survey
• Surveys can be done fully online by participants themselves by going to
• If participants don’t have access to a computer or smart phone, they can also do the survey with the help of a peer research associate over the phone or in-person on the 5th floor of St. Paul’s hospital. Participants can register for phone or in-person interviews by calling us at 1-855-506-8615 for by emailing us at [email protected].