BC-CfE Per-SVR Newsletter


blue banner reading Per-SVR Newsletter

Via BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS

Per-SVR is part of the development of Treatment as Prevention® for HCV strategy in British Columbia. Per-SVR (PrEseRvation of Sustained Virological Response) is a longitudinal cohort study following people who have been successfully treated for HCV using Direct-Acting Antivirals (DAAs).

Clients are eligible if they are 19 years of age or older, have an undetectable viral load at the end of HCV treatment, reside in British Columbiaa Are currently on HCV treatment or have completed treatment in the last three months.

Participation in the study will include 10 visits (four in the first year, and two per year for the remaining three years). Each visit will consist of an interview led by our researchers as well as blood (HCV RNA, Liver Function & HIV) and urine. Clients receive an honorarium of $40 at the end of each visit and are connected back to their referring clinic if HCV/HIV is detected.

One hundred and six participants have completed the Per-SVR study as of September 2023. These participants spent four years with the research team sharing details about their HCV journey, allowing us to learn how best to treat and educate the community about hepatitis C. We are so grateful for their support and their contribute to public health research.


Read more about the latest information from the study in this newsletter. 


Recruitment is ongoing for Per-SVR, if you know anyone that could be eligible please reach out to study team at 604-416-1566!