Share your Views: Participate in the CIHR Institute of Gender and Health’s Listening Tour


Drawn image of four people talking. Text reads: CIHR Institute of Gender Health Listening Tour. Share your views to help set priorities to advance sex and gender science in our next strategic plan." Logo of CIHR included

The Institute of Gender and Health (IGH) wants to hear from you!

Under the leadership of the new Scientific Director, Dr. Angela Kaida, IGH is embarking on a Listening Tour and national planning process to co-create a new strategic plan to guide our work together.

Beginning in spring 2023, the IGH team will travel to major cities across Canada to meet with researchers, including trainees and early career researchers, community organizations, healthcare professionals and many other partners, with options for virtual participation.


IGH wants to know:

  • How can we best foster research excellence regarding the influence of sex and gender on health?
  • What is your vision for achieving health equity for women and girls, boys and men, and gender-diverse people?
  • What Sex and Gender Science priorities do you think should be centered in our next strategic plan?


Current Listening Tour Engagement Opportunities in BC: In Person and Virtual

(In person events are on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations in what is colonially called Vancouver; Virtual is over Zoom.)


Researcher Townhall | Monday, April 3, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Pacific time

Who should attend: Sex and gender science experts, established researchers who are incorporating sex and gender variables and intersectional approaches into their work, researchers working toward health equity for any and all genders, as well as researchers from academia, research institutes or healthcare settings who are curious about sex and gender science.

Register here


Early Career Researcher Townhall | Monday, April 3, 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM Pacific time

Who should attend: Early-career researchers (ECRs) working in and/or with an interest in sex and gender science, or sex- and gender-based health equity.

Register here


Trainee Townhall | Tuesday, April 4, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Pacific time

Who should attend: Trainees with an interest in sex and gender science, or sex- and gender-based health equity. This is also a great opportunity to learn more about the IGH Trainee Network.

Register here


Community Organization Townhall | Tuesday, April 4, 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM Pacific time

Who should attend: Representatives from community organizations with an interest in sex- and gender-based health research, organizations working toward health equity for people of any and all genders, in all their diversity, and/or organizations with ideas about advancing community-engaged health research.

Register here


Help Spread the Word!

Please help spread the word by forwarding this message or distributing our Listening Tour promotional material within your faculties, communities and networks across the country.


Can’t Make It? Complete the Survey!

Our website will be updated as additional Listening Tour dates and locations are announced across the country. We encourage those who cannot attend a Listening Tour event to share their insights through our online survey.