Letter to BC Minister of Health, Adrian Dix re: World AIDS Day message, 2021

January 24, 2022
Honourable Adrian Dix
Minister of Health

Sent via email: [email protected]

Dear Minister Dix:

Hope this finds you well. We are writing on behalf of PAN and our membership to thank you for your World AIDS Day message for December 1st, 2021. The response from Positive Living North No Kheyoh t’sih’en t’sehena Society, from many of our other members, and from people living with HIV who lead in our sector was heart-felt and positive. It meant a great deal to them to have their work recognized.

We truly appreciated the opportunity to work with you and colleagues at the Ministry of Health, to shape some of the content of your WAD message this year. And we would greatly look forward to working together again, in the lead up to WAD December 1st, 2022.

Katrina Jensen
Co-Chair, PAN
Executive Director, AVI Health and Community Services

Patrick McDougall
Co-Chair, PAN
Director of Knowledge Translation and Evaluation, Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation

CC. Amanda van Baarsen, Senior Ministerial Assistant, Ministry of Health