A national study on HIV and youth, based at the University of Manitoba, is recruiting participants between the ages of 15 and 29 years old, who are living with HIV. The study was originally focusing on First Nations, Inuit or Metis youth, and has now been opened also to non-aboriginal youth. Participants will be asked to participate in two interviews and will be given a basic digital camera with which to document their lives as part of the photovoice project.
The primary purpose of this 3-year qualitative study is to arrive at an increased understanding of the experiences and needs of youth living with HIV from diagnosis to the first five years of living with HIV. This study is being done in partnership with Nine Circles, Ka Ni Kanichihk, and the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs.
If you know of any youth who would be willing and able to participate download the recruitment poster and letter of invitation. Please note that the project has now been expanded to also include non-aboriginal youth.
To take part or to find out more information about the study, please contact Carla at: Phone: 204-474-9428
Email: [email protected]