This year, Sex Now is probing the range of experiences that end up affecting health in various ways through several generations of gay and bisexual men. As you might already realize, your current health status is rooted in your personal slice of history.
Join thousands of others across Canada and help us survey at least 10,000 men — we’ve reached 4000 and need your help to reach our goal. Your participation is a vital contribution to expanding our knowledge about the health of sexual minorities.
The Sex Now survey was first conducted in 2002. Past surveys have exposed critical details linking sexual, mental and overall health to lifetime experiences with stigma and prejudice.
Every guy’s experience is needed. Count yourself involved in Sex Now – 2014/2015.
Please take a few minutes to share your experiences.
Do the survey now. Tell your friends. Everyone gains from what the survey learns.
For more information about the Sex Now Survey ! Please visit the CBRC website.