Stakeholder survey- Peer Driven Services




Interior Health and in partnership, with ANKORS, Living Positive Resource Centre-Okanagan and the ASK Wellness Society are seeking direction and information from individuals living with HIV/AIDS within the Interior of BC.  The results of this assessment will deliver recommendations from peers, stake holders and support program service workers about how to implement a peer delivered service program model.

Without the assistance of front line service providers this would be an impossible task to accomplish. I am hoping each of you would forward this link to your clients, peers, co-workers or stakeholders so they have the opportunity to participate. This project seeks information about what the challenges are for someone who is living positive in a rural region and what are some of the successes for peers who are engaged in peer support programming.  This input is by far the most valuable and we hope to represent the voices and needs of both rural and urban demographics so that one model of peer delivered service can be accessed throughout the Interior Health region.  Inclusiveness, equal access and client driven care are the main objectives in developing this assessment.

Within the survey there is a place to indicate whether the client/peer would be interested in meeting with me in their community (Interior Health Region only please) for a working group or face to face interview.  This would take no more than 1.5 hours and refreshments, snacks and a $20.00 cash honorarium would be provided to each participant with our thanks.   Signed Confidentiality Agreements and Consent are mandatory for the in-person interviews.  The responses to this survey will be anonymous.  Individuals will only be contacted if they indicated in the survey they were available for a further interview.


Take the Survey!


For more information or to book an interview please contact me.


Kira Haug
email: [email protected]                   cell: 250.574.7529