Community-based organizations play a critical role in the response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in BC. Over the past two years, PAN and the BC HIV/HCV Evaluation Advisory Group have been collecting the necessary data to demonstrate this community contribution through the design and implementation of the Community HIV/HCV Evaluation and Reporting Tool (CHERT). The CHERT is an online survey that collects annual data from community-based organizations about the range of HIV/HCV-related programs and services they provide in BC.
Two rounds of data collection and reporting have been conducted with the CHERT, covering the 2011 – 2012 and 2012 – 2013 fiscal years. The most recent CHERT report includes the following new components that offer a more comprehensive picture of the impact community agencies are making.
- A report section that illustrates the community contribution towards the success of the provincial strategy to address HIV/AIDS, as outlined in From Hope to health: Towards an AIDS Free Generation. Specifically, CHERT respondents’ contribution to the success of Treatment as Prevention and other complementary HIV prevention activities are discussed.
- An analysis of the shifts in CHERT data from the 2011 – 2012 to the 2012 – 2013 years.
The CHERT team is currently focusing on disseminating results from the 2012 – 2013 survey, in addition to gearing up for the 2014 data collection period. Findings from the most recent CHERT report can be accessed here. Summary reports from the 2012 – 2013 reporting period are also available for download here.
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