The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) was created in 1992 to provide formal community input to the CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network (CTN) regarding clinical research. Members review clinical trial proposals and informed consents and make recommendations to CTN’s Steering Committee. The CAC meets at least once yearly in person and up to four times yearly by teleconference. CTN pays small honoraria for reviews and travel expenses for meetings.
CAC is currently seeking nominations from community members to fill three positions and one apprentice position on this nine-person committee. CAC strives to be representative of Canada’s geographic regions as well as of Canadian populations most affected by HIV and related health conditions. In order to maintain this balance, CAC is seeking nominations that reflect the diversity of affected population groups from all parts of Canada. People living with HIV are strongly encouraged to apply.
Potential committee members should have:
- A basic knowledge of and interest in treatment issues and clinical trials
- An understanding of issues of importance to the communities they represent
- Proficiency in spoken and written English. Francophones are encouraged to apply.
A scientific background is not required and training materials are provided. Terms of appointment last three years. Nominees will be selected by CTN in consultation with the Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC).
Interested individuals should forward a letter of interest and a brief resume together with a nomination letter from a community group or from an HIV researcher or medical professional in his or her community by Monday, February 10, 2014 to:
CAC Selection Committee
CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network
588 – 1081 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Fax: 604-806-8005
Email: [email protected]
For a PDF of this call for nominations, click here.