Upcoming Webinar – From Results to Action: Evaluation Reports that Get Attention

Traditional evaluation reports often end up on the shelves of many decision-makers collecting dust. Reporting is an important skill for evaluators who care about seeing their results and recommendations actually implemented. In this webinar, evaluator Kylie Hutchinson of Community Solutions will help you learn how to turn your findings into something more useful and meaningful that calls people to action.

You Will Learn:

  • the role of reporting in good evaluation practice
  • 3 principles for effectively communicating your evaluation results
  • at least 3 alternatives to writing a final report.

Who Should Take this Webinar?

Professional evaluators and individuals tasked with doing program evaluation in their organization.

When? This three hour webinar is held conveniently over two 1.5 hour sessions. January 29 and February 5, 2014, 10:00 – 11:30 AM (PST)

How to register? Click here.

Questions? Comments? Email [email protected]

Elayne Vlahaki, MPH
Program Manager
BC HIV/HCV Evaluation Advisory Group