Evaluation work within many community-based HIV/AIDS organizations is often not aligned to strategy, underfunded, and underused. FSG, a non-profit consulting firm, aruges that “the meaningfulness and usability of evaluation information has been limited because of its disconnection from strategic and organizational-level decision making. Even in the most well-intentioned organizations – with leaders who believe in evaluation’s ability to support individual, group, and organizational learning – evaluative thinking and practice are loosely aligned, fragmented, and siloed”. To help organizations address this disconnection, FSG has developed a user-friendly guide outlining how to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy for evaluation, what the firm calls “Strategic Learning and Evaluation Systems”. In this guide, FSG provides a framework and set of practices that can help organizations be more systematic, coordinated, and intentional about what to evaluate, when, why, with whom, and with what resources. Click here to access this resource.
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