Second Year Anniversary of Supreme Court Decision on Supervised Injection Services – Sept. 30


The second year anniversary of the September 30, 2011 Supreme Court decision on Insite is around the corner. The CDPC has been working with many groups across Canada who are interested in scaling up safer consumption services and we know from that work, that for many of you it’s a tough go with opposition coming from many places. The recent introduction (and temporary death) of Bill C-65, the so-called “Respect for Communities Act” signaled once again the Harper’s government opposition to these services. With the prorogation of Parliament, the federal legislative agenda has been reset, but we don’t know if Bill C-65 will be reintroduced. Despite these challenges, it’s important not to let the opponents of harm reduction carry the day. There are many Canadians who work hard to provide these services and many more who are supportive. September 30th or 9/30 as we are calling it, is an opportunity to both mark the successes and acknowledge the work that remains to be done.


Please find attached some items we’ve prepared to help you and/or your organizations mark 9/30 (Sept. 31st) – the second year anniversary of the Supreme Court Decision on supervised injection services and Insite. We don’t want to let this day go by without honoring it in some way and to also acknowledge the hard work currently going into scaling up these important services across the country. We also know that some of you already have plans to mark this day. If you are thinking of doing something, here’s a small toolkit of ideas though by no means an exhaustive list. We’ve also included a backgrounder for your info. Please feel free to use these materials and to pass them on to others. If you have additional ideas for the toolkit please send them to me and we will keep a list for future reference.

Background Document
