North American Housing & HIV/AIDS Research Summit VII (Fall 2013)

2013-Save-DateThe North American Housing & HIV/AIDS Research Summit VII is taking place September 24 to 27 in Montreal. Save the date!

The Housing & HIV/AIDS Research Summit Series provides a unique interdisciplinary forum for presentation and discussion of new findings on the role of housing in HIV prevention and care. Watch for updates and the Call for Abstracts on their website.

Now in its seventh year, the Summit Series is established as the premiere venue for informing HIV/AIDS housing policy, and is acknowledged as an innovative and influential opportunity for the broader discussion of housing and health.

The Summit VII theme is Closing the Housing Gap in the HIV Treatment Cascade, to focus on the potential of housing strategies to improve HIV treatment effectiveness: the focus of HIV prevention and care strategies in most jurisdictions. The 2013 North American Housing & HIV/AIDS Research Summit is convened by the National AIDS Housing Coalition (NAHC), the Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN), and la coalition des organismes communautaires québécois de lutte contre le sida (COCQ-SIDA)