Bringing Research Back to Communities:
A Webinar on HIV Knowledge Translation
Moving research into policy, programs and practice is vital to community-based HIV research. Knowledge translation (KT) bridges the gap between researchers and communities and ensures that results get shared with those who can use them.
This webinar will explore KT, using the Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS) as an example of a research project that involves an integrated KT approach.
How to participate? Participants will view a 30-minute video presentation and then gather online on Tuesday, December 11 at 10am (PST) for a roundtable discussion with the presenters about best practices. Register by clicking here.
Andrea Langlois is the Community-Based Research Manager for the Pacific AIDS Network.
Valerie Nicholson is the BC Peer Research Associate & National Management Team Community Representative for CHIWOS.
Allison Carter is the BC Research Coordinator for CHIWOS.
Stephanie Rawson is the British Columbia Peer Research Associate for CHIWOS.