Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The Coalition for a Blueprint for Action on Women and Girls and HIV/AIDS has created an online survey in order to prepare an evidence-based 2012 Canadian Report Card and Backgrounder to be launched at the XIX International AIDS Conference (IAC) in Washington D.C. in July 2012. Your input is vital towards the creation of these documents.
To participate in this anonymous, confidential and secure survey, please click this link:
The deadline to complete the survey is Tuesday, June 19, 2012.
At the IAC, the Canadian Report Card, Backgrounder and related media materials will be disseminated via panel workshops in the Global Village as well as a media conference. After the IAC, they will be shared as a tool for your use to help inform public policy moving forward. The objectives of the 2012 Canadian Report Card, Backgrounder and Media Engagement project include:
a) To highlight what Canadian government outcomes have been achieved or not achieved to improve the situation in the HIV epidemic for women through resource allocation, policy implementation, and to what degree.
b) To use diverse audiences, including media, to point out where the Canadian government is not respecting, protecting and fulfilling what is needed to improve the situation in the HIV epidemic for women.
c) To highlight best and poor practices, including provincial-territorial ones and their national repercussions.
d) To create a tool to be used by communities, policy-makers, politicians and other stakeholders to help inform public policy moving forward.
Feel free to share this survey with anyone you think is appropriate. If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you in advance for sharing your invaluable input!
Warm regards,
Leah Stephenson
Coalition for a Blueprint for Action on Women and Girls and HIV/AIDS
For examples of past Report Cards & Backgrounders: