2016 World AIDS Day & Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week Events
Collected by Pacific AIDS Network
RED – 4th Annual Silent Auction, Fundraiser & Party
Sponsoring Agency: Vancouver Island Persons Living with HIV/AIDS Society (VPWAS)
When: Wednesday, November 30th
Where: The Fernwood Inn, 1302 Gladstone Avenue, Victoria
Cost: $20
Event Details: Join us for the 4th Annual Fundraiser & Party in support of programs and services at Vancouver Island Persons Living with HIV/AIDS Society (VPWAS). This event features silent auction (last year, we had over $2,000 worth of locally made goods and local services to bid on!), live music (local singer/songwriter Hannah Gentes), appetizers and door prizes. The theme of this year’s event is RED. For more event details, please visit http://www.vpwas.org/RED/.
Contact: Sarah Wilson, VPWAS – phone: 250-382-7927, email: [email protected]
“We Are Here” Storyboard Art Installation Sponsoring Agency: AIDS Vancouver Island (AVI) When and Where:
- November 24th to December 7th @Vancouver Island Regional Library, 1240 Shoppers Row, Campbell River
- November 24th to December 7th @Vancouver Island Regional Library, #101 – 1720 Beaufort Avenue, Comox
- November 24th to December 7th @Vancouver Island Regional Library, 300 6th Street, Courtenay – November 28th to December 10th @ Greater Victoria Public Library, 735 Broughton Street, Victoria
- November 24th to December 2nd @Nanaimo Public Library (downtown branch)
Event Details: Now in its 5th year, the “We Are Here” anti-stigma project involves local people living with HIV sharing their personal stories with their fellow Victorians, reminding us all that HIV doesn’t just happen elsewhere – it happens right here, too. This project features “Storyboards,” an art installation, where a collection of diverse images and real-life stories and experiences of local HIV+ folks will be on display in Greater Victoria Public Library during AIDS Awareness Week and Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week (November 28th – December 10th).
Contact: Hermione Jefferis, AVI – phone: 250-384-2366 – ext. 3111 (office), 250-896-4562 (cell), email: [email protected]
World AIDS Day Pancake Breakfast
Sponsoring Agency: AIDS Vancouver Island (AVI) When and Where:
- Thursday, December 1st from 9:30am to 11am @AIDS Vancouver Island, 1371c Cedar Street, Campbell River
- Thursday, December 1st from 9:30am to 11am @AIDS Vancouver Island, 355 6th Street, Courtenay
Testing, Health & Wellness Event
Sponsoring Agency: AIDS Vancouver Island (AVI) When and Where:
- Thursday, December 1st from 1pm to 3pm @AIDS Vancouver Island, 355 6th Street, Courtenay
AIDS Awareness Week Info Booth
Sponsoring Agency: AIDS Vancouver Island (AVI) When and Where:
Tuesday, November 29th @Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, Upper Cafeteria
World AIDS Day Event: Getting Higher Choir & Red Ribbon Candle Display
Sponsoring Agency: AIDS Vancouver Island
When: Thursday, December 1st @4pm
Where: Courtyard, Greater Victoria Public Library, 735 Broughton Street, Victoria
Legislature Building, 501 Belleville Street, Victoria
Event Details: The Getting Higher Choir will be performing a special set in the courtyard of the downtown library at 4pm. At 4:30pm, there will be a group march to the Legislature where a red ribbon candle display will be lit up on the front steps. A moment’s silence will be observed and people will have the opportunity to speak about their loved ones if they want to.
Contact: Hermione Jefferis, phone: 250-384-2366 – ext. 3111 (office), 250-896-4562 (cell), email: [email protected]
Launch of Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week: Showing of Kw’am kw’um S’uli Tst: Culture as Intervention
Sponsoring Agency: AIDS Vancouver Island and the Greater Victoria Public Library
When: Friday, December 2nd
Where: Community Room, Greater Victoria Public Library, 735 Broughton Street, Victoria
Event Details: AIDS Vancouver Island and the Greater Victoria Public Library are co-hosting a special event to acknowledge Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week. The event will take place at the downtown library in the Community Room. At 3pm, there will be a showing of Kw’am kw’um S’uli Tst: Culture as Intervention, a project in which Native elders talk about their experiences with HIV. This presentation will be repeated throughout the afternoon. In addition, there will be a craft table, info table and snacks served. At 4pm, there will be several short talks by guest speakers followed by a Unity Drummers performance at 5pm.
Contact: Hermione Jefferis, phone: 250-384-2366 – ext. 3111 (office), 250-896-4562 (cell), email: [email protected]
Dance Your Awareness
Sponsoring Agency: AIDS Vancouver Island
When: Saturday, December 3rd from 9pm to 12am
Where: Logan’s Pub, 1821 Cook Street, Victoria
Cost: $10 at the door (19+ event, bring ID), $5 at the door if you bring NEW socks, underwear, scarves or gloves to donate
Event Details: AIDS Vancouver Island and Logan’s Pub are excited to invite you to our 9th annual Rock Your Awareness fundraiser. We do this every year to raise awareness for World AIDS Day (Dec 1) and Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week (Dec 1-5). This year, we are having a dance party with The Phat Funks! There will be a raffle that includes art, jewellery, and gift certificates from sex shops and tattoos and piercing artists! Screw Crew will be there handing out free goodies like condoms, lube and sweet treats. All money raised goes to AVI special projects.
World AIDS Day Testing and Gathering
Sponsoring Agency: Living Positive Resource Centre
When: Thursday, December 1st
Where: TBD
Event Details: Testing available throughout the day at two clinics (information to be updated), followed by an evening gathering of reading books, poetry, songs, and spoken words around HIV around 7pm. A candlelight vigil will also take place.
Contact: Event details are being finalized. Please contact Kim Kinakkin for more information at 778-7535830 ext. 105
World AIDS Day Gathering East Kootenay
Sponsoring Agency: ANKORS (East)
When: Thursday, December 1st @7:00pm
Where: Balment Park, 17th Avenue South between 2nd Street N & 1st St. South, Cranbrook
Street Angels, 1324 2nd Street, North, Cranbrook
Event Details: A vigil is happening at Balment Park at 7pm, and refreshments will be served at Street Angels following the vigil at 7:30pm.
Contact: Polly Sutherland or Gary Dalton, ANKORS – phone: 250-426-3383
International World AIDS Day Event
Sponsoring Agency: ANKORS (West)
When: Thursday, December 1st @1pm
Where: Basement of the Nelson United Church, 602 Silica Street, Nelson
Event Details: This is a day to remember and honour all the people lost to the HIV/AIDS pandemic; to support and stand in solidarity those living with HIV/AIDS; to reach a hand and heart out to those impacted by HIV/AIDS and to remember and honour those who have fought tirelessly to bring voice and human rights and attention to HIV/AIDS, and to those who continue to do so. Join us on this day in memory, in strength and in solidarity. There will be candle lighting ceremony; a few speakers; point of care can be offered to those interested in HIV testing by our Outreach Nurse; a moment of silence and refreshments.
Contact: ANKORS West – phone: 250-505-5506
A Candlelight Vigil
Sponsoring Agency: ASK Wellness Society
When: Thursday, December 1st from 3:30pm to 6pm
Where: 423 Tranquille Road, Kamloops
Event Details: There will be beautiful food, speakers, and 3-piece jazz group called Scattered Atoms, prior to a candlelight vigil.
Contact: ASK Wellness Society, phone: 250-376-7558
9th Annual Candlelight Vigil & Food Bank Fundraiser
Sponsoring Agency: Lookout Emergency Aid Society
When: Sunday, November 27th @5:30pm
Where: The Columbia Theatre, 530 Columbia Street, New Westminster
Cost: $20
Event Details: Each year Positive Haven holds a candle vigil to commemorate the loss of those who have passed due to AIDS. This is an opportunity for our community to shine a spotlight on HIV. Again, we thank you for your service to the community, and hope to see you there.
Contact: Susan Bhatti, Positive Haven – phone: 604-588-9004, email: [email protected]
World AIDS Day Memorial and Lunch
Sponsoring Agency: Lookout Emergency Aid Society
When: Thursday, December 1st @12:00pm
Where: Positive Haven, 10697 135A Street, Surrey
Cost: This event is open to the community and free of cost
Event Details: World AIDS Day lunch is happening at Positive Haven on December 1st, followed by a memorial at 1pm.
Contact: Susan Bhatti, Positive Haven – phone: 604-588-9004, email: [email protected]
World AIDS Day Candle Light Vigil, Supper and Social Event 2016
Sponsoring Agency: Positive Living North (PLN)
When: Thursday, December 1st @ 5:00pm
Where: Fire Pit Cultural Drop-In Centre, 1120 Third Avenue, Prince George
Cost: This event is free and open to the public
Event Details: Please join us for a moment of silence and remembrance to honor those living with and affected by HIV and for those we have lost to AIDS. The event will also include social event followed by a supper.
Contact: Orlando Mcleish, PLN – email: [email protected]
Flash Mob
Sponsoring Agency: Positive Living North, in collaboration with Grandmothers to Grandmothers
When: Thursday, December 1st from 3pm to 4pm
Where: Prince George Public Library, 888 Canada Games Way, Prince George
Contact: This Flash Mob event is seeking volunteers! If interested, please contact Orlando Mcleish at
Positive Living North [email protected]
HIV Awareness Health Fair & My Life, My Story
Sponsoring Agency: Positive Living North
When: Wednesday, November 30th. Health Fair from 10am to 3pm, then My Life, My Story from 5pm to 8pm
Where: University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George
Cost: Free
Event Details: HIV Awareness Health Fair is being held at the UNBC from 10am to 3pm, where information around HIV and other sexually transmitted and related conditions will be available. Nurses will be there too! From 5pm to 8pm, a sharing circle will take place where persons living with HIV will be sharing their journey and stories about living with HIV. There will be drumming, singing and sharing.
Supper will be provided.
Contact: Orlando Mcleish, PLN – email: [email protected]
Information Booth
Sponsoring Agency: Positive Living North
When: November 28th to December 1st
Where: Prince George Public Library, 888 Canada Games Way, Prince George
London Drugs Pharmacy, 196 – 1600 15th Avenue, Prince George
Event Details: A booth will be set up at the Prince George Public Library and at London Drugs Pharmacy, providing information and flyers around HIV and other sexually transmitted infections and related conditions.
Contact: Orlando Mcleish, PLN – email: [email protected]
Movie Night
Sponsoring Agency: Positive Living North
Event Details: This documentary showing event is still in its finalization stages. Please contact Orlando
Mcleish [email protected] for updates on dates and location
World AIDS Day Events at Two Churches
Sponsoring Agency: Positive Living North
Event Details: A moment of silence and a talk given by pastors around HIV will be held at two churches in Prince George: United Church (Thursday, December 1st) and St. Michael’s Church (date to be confirmed). Please contact Orlando Mcleish [email protected] for updates on dates and time.
World AIDS Day Luncheon
Sponsoring Agency: A Loving Spoonful
When: Friday, November 25th form 11:30am to 2:00pm
Where: Terminal City Club, 837 W Hastings St, Vancouver
Cost: Individual tickets $180; A table of 8 $1,440; A table of 10 $1,800
Event Details: A Loving Spoonful’s signature event, presented by BMO (Bank of Montreal) Financial Group, is held on November 25th, 2016 at the Terminal City Club, hosting some of Vancouver’s business elite, community leaders and distinguished personalities. This exclusive luncheon features indulgent cuisine, elegant décor and some of the most precious and unique items presented in the Silent and Live auctions. All information from the event, along with online ticket sales, can be found online here:
http://alovingspoonful.org/files_2/world–aids–day.php. The tickets can be purchased online or over the phone 604-682-6325.
Contact: Elyse Freeborn, Director of Development & Volunteer Services, A Loving Spoonful – phone: 604682-6325, email: [email protected]
World AIDS Day Red Ribbon Awards
Sponsoring Agency: AIDS Vancouver
When: Thursday, December 1st from 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Where: The Junction Pub, 1138 Davie Street, Vancouver
Cost: Free
Contact: Brian Chittock, Executive Director, AIDS Vancouver – phone: 604-696-4655
23nd Annual World AIDS Day at Carnegie Community Centre
Sponsoring Agency: DTES HIV/IDU Consumers’ Board, AIDS Vancouver, Positive Living BC, Vancouver
Native Health, and Carnegie Community Centre
When: Thursday, December 1st from 9:00am – 9:00pm
Where: Carnegie Community Centre Theatre, 401 Main Street, Vancouver
Cost: Free!
Event Details: Various speakers and presenters (including Dr. Montaner, Dr. Conway, Red Road, Positive Living BC, AIDS Vancouver, Vancouver Native Health, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Jenny Kwan) all day. As well, videos will be screened. Come and join us for this all-day event – there will be food, coffee and door prizes!
Contact: If you want to have an information booth or present, please contact John Cameron at 604-2748122.
Youth Together!
Sponsoring Agency: YouthCO
When: Thursday, December 1st from 6:00pm to 10:00pm Where: 568 Seymour Street, Unit 205 (elevator accessible) Cost: Free!
Event Details: YouthCO is hosting its annual World AIDS Day party and we would love for you to join us! Each year, YouthCO hosts a World AIDS Day event for people of all ages to celebrate and remember our collective response to HIV. This day is also the kick off to Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week. After such a full and exciting year at YouthCO, we’re looking forward to taking time to acknowledge the strong and committed people that have shaped our work, and contribute to our mission of reducing the impact of HIV on our communities. This evening will be celebrating our communities’ responses to three decades of HIV, and the many people (of all ages!) who have been apart of it. This event is open to all ages, with free entry. Drinks will be available for $4, and food will be served throughout the evening. For more information, please visit http://www.youthco.org/wad2016.
Contact: Fahmy, YouthCO – email: [email protected]
Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week – HIV And The Survival, Dignity And Well-Being Of Indigenous Peoples Of The World
Sponsoring Agency: The International Indigenous Working Group on HIV and AIDS (IIWGHA), The
Vancouver Native Health Society, and The Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN)
When: Tuesday, December 6th from 10am to 2:30pm
Where: Vancouver Native Health Society, 455 Hastings Street East, Vancouver
Event Details: Special guests include: Dr. Julio Montaner, Dr. Alexandra King, Nnamdi Ndubuka, Trevor Stratton, and Marama Pala
Contact: Arthur “Dave” Miller – phone: 902-433-0900, email: [email protected]
Vancouver Premiere of Last Men Standing
Sponsoring Agency: Positive Living BC & Reel Causes
When: Thursday, December 1st @7pm
Where: SFU Woodward’s, 149 W. Hastings St., Vancouver
Cost: $15 at the door. Receive $5 off, if you purchase in advance using promo code LIVINGDEC16 https://www.universe.com/events/last–men–standing–remembering–the–survivors–tickets–2GMC48 Event Details: On this year’s World AIDS Day, Reel Causes is partnering with Positive Living BC to present a poignant new documentary Last Men Standing about the long-term survivors of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
“Everyone expected to die. But they didn’t. Today about 80,000 people in Canada are living with
HIV. Produced by the San Francisco Chronicle, and directed by two of its visual journalists, Erin Brethauer and Tim Hussin, this documentary takes us on a intimate journey into the lives of eight men who, despite their early HIV diagnoses, have survived against the odds, finding unexpected life and love.”
There is a post-film talk as well. For more event details, visit https://www.facebook.com/events/348864908799701/.
Contact: Ken Coolen, Special Event Coordinator, Positive Living BC – phone: 604-893-2242, email:
National Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week Event: Transgender Day Vancouver Luncheon
Sponsoring Agency: Positive Women’s Network Society
When: Friday, December 2nd @12pm
Where: Positive Women’s Network, 614 – 1033 Davie Street, Vancouver
Event Details: A small luncheon for Indigenous HIV or Hep C positive Transwomen. Transgender people are most in need and least served; they are often marginalized from service providers. This is an opportunity to connect, socialize with peers in a safe environment and enjoy a meal together, as family often does.
Contact: Sandy Leo Laframboise or Donna Tennant – phone: 778-319-3965, email:
Click here to download the list in pdf.
If you would like to add an event to this list, please send your event information to Mona Lee, [email protected]