Training Dates: February 23 – 25, 2018
Review Code of Conduct & Financial Guidelines
PAN is very excited to announce that we will be hosting a Positive Leadership Development (PLDI) training: Bored? Get on Board! February 23 – 25, 2018 in Richmond. This training is only open to graduates of the Core Leadership Training (formerly known as “Level I”).
The Bored? Get on Board governance training will explore the following topics through presentations, group work and discussions:
- Presentations and discussions on the voluntary sector in Canada
- Board accountability and responsibilities
- Board governance models
- Dealing with difficult situations
- General Financial management
- Understanding committee structures and purpose
- Understanding potential conflicts of interest
It must be emphasized that the upcoming Bored? Get on Board! training, like the Core Leadership Training before it, is a professional development opportunity – not a retreat. The training will take place over the course of three days – and these days are very structured and intensive. While there are scheduled breaks, the days are quite long and people attending the training are expected to be present and participating for the duration. As with the Core Training, this event is recommended for people whose physical and mental health is at a place that they can fully participate.
Please read this information carefully, as well as the Code of Conduct and Financial Guidelines, posted at the top & bottom of this page, prior to completing an application.
Who is eligible to apply to attend the Bored? Get on Board! Training?
The Bored? Get on Board! Training is only available to PLHIV who have completed the Core Leadership Training (formerly known as Level I). You will have taken Core Training either at Loon Lake or Silver Star.
What is the application process for this training?
There are a total of 20 spots available for the training. All persons interested in taking the training must complete and submit an online application form.
Deadline for receipt of applications: Wednesday, January 24.
Due to limited administrative resources, to promote efficiency and to make things easier for our volunteer Selection Committee members, we require that all applications be submitted electronically: Online or email. We thank you kindly in advance for complying with this requirement.
IMPORTANT: Applications should be submitted online, or to the following email address: [email protected]. Applications should be saved and sent in the following format: “Lastname_Leadership” – example, “Cossar_Leadership”. If scanning facilities are available, the application can be signed, scanned and sent as a PDF. However, it can also be simply worked on as a word document, and then emailed (we will obtain the necessary signatures subsequently from all successful applicants).
By submitting an application, a person is indicating that they agree to the Code of Conduct (attached to this email) for the training, the Financial Guidelines, as well as the Release of Liability, to be signed at registration at the start of the training (See links on this page).
Who will decide who gets to attend the training?
All applications will be reviewed by our volunteer PLDI Steering Committee comprised of PLHIVs and it is the Steering Committee that will make the determination as to the successful applicants. Applicants will be notified as to whether or not they have been accepted to the program on or before the week of January 30. A small wait-list will be generated as well in the event there are persons who decide in the end they are not able or willing to attend the training, and who provide us with the required 5 business days of notice i.e. Thursday February 15th 2018 by 4:00pm.
Who will be delivering the training?
PAN works in an ongoing partnership with the OAN & COCQ-SIDA to deliver the PLDI trainings here in BC Ontario and in Quebec. This particular training will be delivered by BC trainers Valerie Nicholson, John Dub, and Jaydee Cossar.
What costs are covered? What costs are not covered?
Travel: PAN will reimburse long-distance direct or local ground or travel to and from Richmond for people traveling from outside of the Lower Mainland (not including Mission, Abbotsford and Chilliwack); For participants traveling from within the Lower Mainland Trans Link expenses will be reimbursed to the training facility in Richmond for those without a monthly transit pass (receipts will be required). Once accepted, flight bookings are the responsibility of the individual applicant. Travel bookings are the responsibility of the individual applicant, where expenses are present a reimbursement expense claim must be made following the training.
For people traveling to Vancouver and flying in and out of the Vancouver International Airport (main terminal or the south terminal) there is a free shuttle from the airport to the hotel, and the hotel back to the airport, and therefore taxi or transit costs for this leg of the trip will not be eligible for reimbursement (i.e. we ask that you take the shuttle).
If you have concerns about travelling to attend the training please consult with Jaydee Cossar, PAN’s PLDI Program Manager. [email protected])
Hotel Accommodation: All participants will stay in Richmond, we hope this will facilitate a more enjoyable training experience. PAN will book accommodations for you, all you need to do is check-in. PAN will help with your travel arrangements. Jaydee Cossar, PLDI Program Manager will be in touch with you, once you are accepted, with regards to logistical and travel arrangements
PAN will book all accommodation for persons who are accepted and will be attending the Bored? Get on Board! Accommodation will be based on shared occupancy. If you wish to have a single room a charge of $75.00 per night will be levied and an invoice will be sent to you following the training. Please note that failure to pay the invoice will result in your exclusion from future PAN sponsored events, including future Leadership training opportunities.
Meals: PAN will provide the following meals for all participants – dinner on day one of the training (Friday); breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks on day two (Saturday); breakfast, lunch and snacks on day three (Sunday). At this time PAN is not in a position to provide per diems for participants.
Childcare: We will also provide child care subsidies wherever possible ($50 per day) and the need for childcare must be indicated on your application form. A signed invoice from your childcare provider must be attached to your reimbursement form.
The above noted costs are the only costs that PAN will cover for this training – all other costs are the responsibility of the participant.
What is the fee?
There is no registration fee for the Bored? Get on Board! governance training.
“No Show” and Cancellation Policy
We want to stress that at present, we only have the resources to provide this training to a very limited number of PLHIV in BC and PAN is allocating finite and limited resources to make this training a reality.
PAN therefore requires 5 business days’ notice of a person’s inability to attend the training, in order to contact persons on the wait list and ensure that all training spots are filled. I.e. February 15, 2018 @ 4:00pm.
In the event that a person does not arrive at the training hotel at the designated meeting time on February 23nd, 24th and 25th, or fails to provide 5 business days’ notice of inability to attend (i.e. by 4:00pm. on Thursday February 15th), PAN will invoice the individual for 100% of their training costs including any travel charges incurred by PAN, as well as their accommodation and meal costs. Exceptions to this are for documented and unexpected medical or health emergencies and family emergencies.
If after having read all of the information above, and having reviewed the Application Form, Code of Conduct and Financial Guidelines, if you still have questions, please email us at [email protected]
On behalf of our volunteer trainers we would like to thank you for taking the time to consider this worthwhile opportunity.
Jaydee Cossar
PLDI Program Manager
Pacific AIDS Network
Review Code of Conduct & Financial Guidelines
PLDI Release of Liability (Sample only)