Past Conferences – Spring 2009

PAN’s Spring Conference took place in February 25th-28th, 2009 and included: Priority Setting/Networking Session for EDs, a PHA Priority Setting Session, a PHA Leadership Stream, an opening and closing plenary, Skills-Building sessions for Service Providers on Grief and Loss and Self-Care, and a workshop co-presented by PAN, CATIE, and the HIV/AIDS Legal Network on HIV Disclosure and the Criminal Law.

The Pacific AIDS Network gratefully acknowledges the funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada, AIDS Community Action Program (ACAP) and from the Provincial Health Services Authority that made this conference possible.


Special thanks as well to Abbott Virology for sponsoring lunch and the opening plenary. The Opening Plenary was extremely thought-provoking and included:

-An HIV/AIDS Epi-Update for British Columbia, presented by Stephen Smith, Manager, Blood Borne Pathogens, Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport

 -A presentation on "Treatment as Prevention/Expanded HAART" from Dr. Julio Montaner, Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; President, International AIDS Society. 

Thank you as well to our conference partners: CATIE, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, the Community Based Research Program housed at the BC Persons With AIDS Society, and the Vancouver Native Health Society.


Record of Proceedings

For the Conference Program, please Click Here. 

For the Record of Proceedings for the entire Conference, please Click Here.

For Dr. Julio Montaner’s Power Point Presentation, please Click Here.

For Stephen Smith’s Power Point Presentation, please Click Here.

For Glenn Betteridge’s Power Point Presentation, in PDF, (on Criminal Law and HIV Disclosure), please Click Here.


Conference Evaluation

We were very pleased with how the conference was received and the feedback provided by PAN delegates and others in attendance via evaluation forms and one-to-one interviews.

For the Evaluation Report for the Conference, prepared by Evaluation Consultant Susan Dann for PAN, please Click Here.