This dialogue-style webinar explores some digital sexual health services available in BC. Digital sexual health programs help people learn about, monitor and enhance their sexual health and knowledge by engaging online. They have the potential to connect with people in hard to reach areas, and reach populations that may face stigma or challenges in accessing face-to-face healthcare services. Devon Haag, the BC Centre for Disease Control‘s Digital Public Health Manager, and Heather Pedersen, Online Sexual Health Manager at the BC CDC, join us to share how existing programs SmartSexResource and GetCheckedOnline work for people in BC; talk about lessons learned in the development of the programs, and future directions.
This presentation provides:
- Definition of digital sexual health programs
- Overview of SmartSexResource, GetCheckedOnline, and Cervix Check
- Information on community input and involvement
- Future directions of digital health programs
Suggested audiences:
- HIV and hepatitis C organization staff and volunteers; allied organizations’ staff and volunteers
- Support workers providing referrals to services
- Community members and other allies
- People living with HIV and/or lived experience of hepatitis C
- Residents of BC seeking information about digital sexual health services
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Learn More
SmartSexResource: a service of the BC Centre for Disease Control, located in British Columbia, Canada. Provides education and resources with a focus on British Columbia.
Get Checked Online: GetCheckedOnline is a free and confidential online sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC).
Love Bytes: Researching Digital Interventions to Improve Sexual Health