“Gwen had a really beautiful way of helping people understand the diversity of transition and experience.”
Working within HIV, hep C and harm reduction, you are likely used to working with folks of varied sexual identities, but might not be as experienced working with people along the gender continuum. We partnered with Gwen Haworth to introduce you to Trans Care BC. Gwen shared key terms and concepts, along with strategies for supporting gender diverse individuals. Learn practical tips for providing an inclusive and gender- affirming program and organization.
Gwen Haworth is a trans-identified, health advocate currently serving as the Education Project Manager with Trans Care BC. Her previous experience includes work as the LGBTQ+ educator for Prism Services (VCH), frontline support with RainCity Housing and Support Society, and as a youth worker with Richmond Society for Community Living. She has served with the City of Vancouver’s LGBTQ advisory committee, the Vancouver Parks Board’s Trans Inclusion Working Group, and as an organizer for the Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre.
Suggested Audience:
- Frontline workers in outreach, case management, and healthcare navigation
- Frontline workers providing support in HIV, hepatitis C and/or harm reduction
- Program managers and decision makers
- Policy developers
- Allies and community members
Additional Resources
Trans Basics – concepts, definitions, terms and expressions