MHAC Updates

November 8, 2011:

After a very successful meeting in June, the MHAC decided to change its role from a working group to an advisory committee, as noted in the Terms of Reference.  Two main initiatives came out of that meeting:

     1. Develop an online training resource for service providers working in MH, SU, HIV & HCV to access learning materials outside of their own field

     2. Develop an online map outlining services  in these fields throughout the province in order to allow service providers to contact professionals outside      their own field.

This will serve as an update to where that work has moved since that meeting on June 2, 2011.

First off, I would like to touch base with you regarding our idea to have an online learning tool for people who are working in the various fields were are wanting to reach (MH, SU, HIV, and HCV).  After doing some digging and looking into costs and time we came to the sad realization that this is not something that we can take on at this time; however, perhaps if we can secure some funding in the future, it is something that this group can re-visit.  As opposed to looking at an online course (similar to the ICC we discussed), we are looking into the logistics of having a blog online where either myself, or any of you, can submit posts that will be circulated to PAN members, as well as through the MHAC webpage on PAN’s site .  Please check this page for updates to the blog!

The other priority that had been outlined at the June meeting was a map showing MH, SU, HIV and HCV services in the province broken into regions.  This is underway, and we are currently looking at the logistics of having an interactive map that people will be able to access to find other service providers in their area.  This will be an ongoing resource for anyone who requires it, and we are currently looking at updating it on a yearly basis, once it is up and running.

Finally, I have completed a draft background paper/literature review of some of the research that has been done (please see below Documents section).  This is by no means exhaustive, but is meant to serve as an overview and a jumping off point to continue expanding on it – a “living document” if you will.

If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about this group, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

February 2011:

There are four remaining priorities as identified by the MH WG and PAN looks forward to helping facilitate a process whereby those may be explored and addressed. Towards that end, we will be working in concert with Susann Richter of the PHSA, to identify a key strategic “mini-working group” to meet late March/early April.

We will be looking at ways to streamline the work and structure of the MH WG with a view to the five strategic priorities. The emphasis will be on trying to identify items or deliverables, that are achievable within the time-frame of our contract with the PHSA and also where the MH WG can realize tangible success in advancing the priority items.

Following the “mini-working group” meeting this spring, PAN will be in touch with all members of the MH WG to provide an update on outcomes from that meeting, minutes and also our thoughts regarding next steps.


Mental Health and HIV/AIDS/HCV Working Group Meeting Minutes (March 3, 2010) – Download

Mental Health, Substance Use & HIV/AIDS/HCV Working Group Meeting Minutes (April 15, 2011) – Download

Mental Health, Substance Use & HIV/AIDS/HCV Working Group Meeting Minutes (May 5, 2011) – Download

Mental Health, Substance Use & HIV/AIDS/HCV Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (June 2, 2011) – Download