Fraser Training 2024: Resource Guide

Thank you for joining PAN and BC Hepatitis Network for our virtual program for frontline workers providing HIV, hepatitis C and harm reduction services in the Fraser region. The following is a reference guide of community resources which we discussed during our program on February 26th and 27th, 2024.


Program and Resources

Day 1: February 26, 2024


HIV and Hepatitis C Essentials for Harm Reduction Workers

Zoé Bordeleau-Cass    |    CATIE

Essential knowledge on HIV and Hepatitis for frontline service providers in harm reduction.

Contact: Zoé Bordeleau-Cass [email protected]


Resources mentioned in the workshop:

1.      CATIE Continuing Education Centre

2.      CATIE Ordering Centre (free resources!)

3.      CATIE open courses

4.      Co-infections and co-morbidities with hepatitis C

5.      Preventing transmission of Hepatitis C during sex

6.      Seven ways to prevent HIV video

7.      Safer substance use video series

8.      Harm reduction fundamentals: A toolkit for service providers


If you attended this session, please consider completing the CATIE evaluation


BBI and harm reduction: How to open the convo to viral hep!

Kate Fish    |    BC Hepatitis Network

Exploring historical contexts of blood-borne infections (BBIs), including viral hepatitis, as they affect the Fraser region. This talk offered historical and policy contexts which influence BBI conversations in harm reduction and other service settings.

Presentation Slides: Contact Kate Fish for access     |      Contact: [email protected]


Suggested Reading List:

Hiebert Thesis (1963): early prohibition and policy, the Church(es), class-divides in BC re: temperance and alcohol

Exclusionary drug policy in Fraser communities

o   Longhurst Thesis (2015): Social geography, with Surrey as a case study, exploring the impact of drug policy mobility and political-institutional barriers to harm reduction

o   Bernstein and Bennett (2013): Zoned Out: “NIMBYism”, addiction services and municipal governance in BC


Smoking as most common route of consumption

o   Jozaghi, Lampkin, and Andresen (2016): Peer-engagement and its role in reducing the risky behaviour among crack and methamphetamine smokers of the DTES community of Vancouver

o   Parent, Papamihali, Graham, and Buxton (2021): Examining prevalence and correlates of smoking opioids in BC: opioids are more often smoked than injected

o   Kamal, Ferguson, Xavier, Liu, Graham, Lock and Buxton (2023): Smoking identified as preferred mode of opioid safe supply use; investigating correlates of smoking preferences through a 2021 cross-sectional study in BC

Buy from your local indie bookseller, or check out from the library:
Busted: An illustrated history of drug prohibition in Canada by Susan Boyd (this link has a little chunk of preview reading) also at this Google Books link


Test Link Call (TLC) program

Dr. Sofia Bartlett    |    BC Centre for Disease ControlDC

The history, efficacy, and utility of the Test Link Call (TLC) project – a quality improvement program providing a free cell phone & peer support for BC communities that are disproportionately impacted by blood-borne infections. How the program works, who can apply, and how service providers can use the program to increase service access for clients.


Test Link Call Website



Day 2: February 27, 2024


Peer Perspectives

Pam Young and Mo Korchinski | Unlocking the Gates

The value of peer perspectives: Peer-led reentry support for people recently experiencing incarceration. Relationship-centered care models to support connection and trust in accessing healthcare.

Contact: [email protected]
Mo Korchinski (Founder / ED): [email protected]
Pam Young (Program Manager): [email protected]

Mon-Fri 9 AM-4 PM: 604-518-3261   |    Weekends and Evenings: 778-938-2584


Unlocking the Gates Website


Hep C Roadmap to Elimination: Lessons and from Fraser and beyond

Joel Harnest | BC Hepatitis Network

The Roadmap aims to create a comprehensive series of recommendations and guidelines to ensure that all communities in BC can eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. What unique opportunities, strategies and challenges exist in the Fraser Region? Discuss what’s working well, and what needs to change.

Presentation Slides   |    Contact: [email protected]


Get in Touch:
To learn more about opportunities to host Joel for an on-site visit, focus group, workshop, etc. Virtual sessions are also available!



For additional learning options, visit our library of on-demand webinars in the PAN Presents and KnowledgeConnect series.

We greatly appreciate the vision of our government funders and their ongoing commitment to supporting the work of PAN. In particular we gratefully acknowledge the Public Health Agency of Canada – HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.