Application for PLDI Core Training, October 2017






Training Dates: June 21-24
Training Location: Loon Lake,  BC

We’re very excited to announce that PAN is hosting its 2end Positive Leadership Development Institute (PLDI) – Core Leadership Training outside of the lower mainland in BC June 21-24 at Loon Lake, just outside Vancouver.

Click here for the Application Form
Click here for Code of Conduct & Financial Guidelines

The Core Leadership Training has proven to be a great success in BC, with 176 people successfully completing Core Leadership Training. The training is truly helping PLHIV to realize their individual leadership potential and helping to strengthen a network of PLHIV leaders in British Columbia.

What is the Positive Leadership Development Institute?
The Positive Leadership Development Institute (PLDI) is a three-module training for people living with HIV and offers an opportunity to identify and develop leadership skills. The three modules of the training are:

  • Core Leadership Training
    • Communication Skills Training
    • Bored? Get on Board! (Board/organizational governance)

The Core Leadership Training provides the foundation for the other two modules of the training and is a prerequisite for them and all other PLDI events and resources.
Core Leadership Training seeks to answer the question: “Who am I as a Leader?”

The three main goals of the training are:
1. To identify personal values and philosophy;
2. To develop leadership skills and practices;
3. To gain community knowledge and awareness.


The curriculum objectives for the training are for participants to have the opportunity:
• To understand the 5 principles and 10 commitments of leadership
• To realize individual leadership potential
• To participate in building a network of leaders within the PHA community
• To realize the potential and strengths that each individual brings to the network
• To learn about and practice leadership skills in a safe environment
• To inspire others to become leaders
• To encourage participants to take on facilitator and mentoring roles within the       community
• To expand participants awareness of our community

IMPORTANT: It must be emphasized that the PLDI trainings are professional development opportunities – not retreats. The Core Leadership Training will take place over the course of four days – and these days are very structured and intensive. While there are scheduled breaks, the days are quite long and people attending the training are expected to be present and participating for the duration. This training is therefore recommended for people whose physical and mental health is at a place that they can fully participate.

Due to the location of the Silver Star Mountain Resort if for any reason someone decides to withdraw, or are dismissed from the training, they agree to remain at Silver Star Mountain Resort until the bus departs on October 22 and returns to Kelowna, BC. In this instance the individual may still partake in meals provided at the Silver Star Mountain Resort facilities to those participating in PAN’s Positive Leadership Development Institute Core Leadership training as well as remain in their assigned accommodation.

Who is eligible to attend?
In order to attend, a person must be living with HIV/AIDS and resident in Interior Health area. Applicants must also have the endorsement of a PAN member agency or Healthcare Provider practicing in the Interior Health region. PAN is committed to ensuring diverse representation including women and indigenous PLHIV Core Leadership Training can be beneficial for PLHIV both new and experienced in HIV work.

What is the application process for this training?
There are a total of 15 seats available.

All persons interested in taking the training must complete and submit an application form.

The deadline for receipt of applications has been extend to Tuesday September 19th @ 4:00pm.

Due to limited administrative resources, to promote efficiency and to make things easier for our volunteer Selection Committee members, we require that all applications be submitted electronically on the PAN web site. We will also accept an email.

Applications should be saved and sent in the following format: “Lastname_Leadership” – example, “Jones_Leadership”. If scanning facilities are available, the application can be signed, scanned and sent as a PDF. However, it can also be simply worked on as a Word document, and then emailed (we will obtain the necessary signatures subsequently from all successful applicants).

IMPORTANT: Applications should be sent to the following email address: [email protected]

By submitting an application, a person is indicating that they agree to the Code of Conduct as well as the Financial Guidelines.

We are asking for official support/endorsement from the Executive Director of a PAN member agency/organization or Healthcare Provider practicing in the Interior Health region for each submitted application. There is a space to indicate that endorsement on the application form.

Who will decide who gets to attend the training?
All applications will be reviewed by our volunteer Selection Committee comprised of PLHIV s and it is the Selection Committee that will make the determination as to the successful applicants. Applicants will be notified as to whether or not they have been accepted to the program on or before September, 20 2017. A small wait-list will be generated as well in the event there are persons who decide in the end they are not able or willing to attend the training, and who provide us with the required 5 business days of notice.

Who will be delivering the training?
PAN works in an ongoing partnership with the OAN to deliver the PLDI trainings here in BC and in Ontario. This particular training will be delivered by BC trainers Kath Webster, John Dub, Valerie Nicholson with assistance from Jaydee Cossar.

What costs are covered? What costs are not covered?
Interior Health will cover the following costs for all successful applicants: long-distance or local ground or air travel to and from Kelowna; bus transport from meeting point in Kelowna to and from training facility at Silver Star Mountain Resort; accommodation and meals while at the training; hotel room pre and post-training, for persons traveling from outside of the Kelowna area, where required.

We will also provide child care subsidies wherever possible which is $50/day.

Please note: Interior Health is not in a position to provide per diems, or provide for meals outside of the training days (Interior Health will provide the following meals: dinner on October 19nd, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks on October 20th and 22th, breakfast and lunch on the 22nd. Those costs must be borne by the PAN member organization/agency, or the individual.

“No Show” Policy
We hope that there is enough commitment to this training that we will not have any “no shows”. At the same time, we want to stress that at present, we only have the resources to provide this training to a very limited number of PHAs in Interior Health. Interior Health is allocating finite and limited resources to make this training a reality. We ask you give PAN five days’ notice if you do not plan on attending.

What might participants expect to get out of attendance at the PLHIV Leadership Development Training?
The feedback from past BC trainings has been profound. Participants expressed a great deal of satisfaction with the training and the vast majority of participants have indicated that the training has encouraged them to increase their involvement in work/volunteering. Participants also stated that the Leadership training increased their confidence at work/when volunteering, with friends and family and with professional/health care providers/service providers.

The post event evaluations also found that Leadership graduates:
• Experienced improved confidence
• Felt more connected to the HIV/AIDS movement
• Felt that they could be a part of a community response

And this is what participants had to say when asked to tell us about their experience with the training in June 2014:

“Thank you so much. I came here depressed, scared and isolated. I left here loved, full of knowledge and empowered.”

“Fantastic job! Thank you so much for all your hard work, time, efforts, energy, greatly appreciated.”

“The diversity, selection of the participants was well thought out.”

“Loved the laughter-no pressure, freedom to participate and totally safe environment.”

“It (PLDI) allowed me to see past my sickness and allowed me to see where I fit in the world.”

“I have found a deeper sense of who I am especially as a leader.”

If after having read all of the information above, and having reviewed the Application Form, Code of Conduct and Financial Guidelines, if you still have questions, please email us at [email protected]

On behalf of our volunteer trainers we would like to thank you for taking the time to consider this worthwhile opportunity.

Jaydee Cossar
PLDI Manager
Pacific AIDS Network

Code of Conduct Financial Guidelines PLDI Core – Oct 19 – 22 2017
PLDI Sample Release of Liability Core 2017
PLDI Core Training Oct 2017 Application (word)
PLDI Core Training Oct 2017 Application (pdf)