Wednesday, January 22nd 2025,
11:30 AM-12:30 PM Pacific time
Did you know that there is a revised national hepatitis C case definition from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)? Join us for this informative webinar on the revised definition that came into effect this January. You will learn about 1) the use of national hepatitis C case definitions in public health surveillance, 2) the review process to revise the definition, including key changes made and the objectives of the changes, and 3) expected impacts & next steps.
Presenting at this webinar will be Dr. Andrea Chittle, Medical Advisor in the Sexually Transmitted and Blood-borne Infections Surveillance Division at PHAC and Genevieve Gravel, Epidemiologist and Manager of the Sexually Transmitted Infections and Hepatitis Surveillance Section at PHAC and co-chair of the National Hepatitis C Case Definition Revision Task Group.
To attend the webinar:
Step one
Register in advance: https://hc-sc-gc-ca.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8i-nO4qXSUKS2uXb-LC6gg
Step two
You will receive an email confirmation with a personalised link for you to join the webinar. Save that email until the day of the webinar.
Please let us know of any accommodations you may require by emailing [email protected]. For ASL/LSQ interpretation, please send your request sent to us as soon as possible in advance of the webinar. Interpretation services are subject to interpreters’ availabilities. Closed captioning can be provided as an alternative support.
Step three
On the day of the webinar, click the link on the confirmation email to watch the webinar. It will take you to the zoom.us site. Click “join from your browser”.
You will need internet connection to participate in Zoom webinars through the web-based interface. You may also join audio by phone for the English presentation. Please note: French interpretation is not available by phone at this time. To hear the French interpretation audio you will need to join Zoom via the web-based interface and select computer audio.
Additional Information
Space is limited so to be sure you can access the webinar you must register in advance. Click the link provided on the invitation and then enter the required registration information. The link in the invitation is only for registrations – you cannot access the webinar on the day of the event by using this link.
Once you have registered, you will receive an email about how to access the webinar. Be sure to save this email until the day of the webinar. The email will contain a link so you can access the webinar online.
Here is how to join the webinar by phone (only applicable for English audio at this time):
1. Dial a Zoom number (provided in the confirmation email)
2. Enter the meeting ID – the nine (9), ten (10), or eleven (11) digit ID provided to you by the host, then the pound (#) key.
3. You will be prompted to enter your unique participant ID. This only applies if you have joined on the computer or mobile device. Press # to skip.
If you have a problem during the webinar you can send a message to the host using the chat function on the screen.