Join virtual call for the Canoe Project: Where Culture and Harm Reduction Intersect

CAAN Communities, Alliances and Networks and Dr. Peter Centre are delighted to invite you to another virtual Community of Practice (CoP) Call on Indigenous-led trauma informed Harm Reduction training. This training is part of the national project, The Canoe and is free to attend. The Canoe aims to bring relevant, non-stigmatizing, context specific harm reduction practices for indigenous communities to the national stage.

This call will be held virtually and will focus on the following topic:

Where Culture and Harm Reduction Intersect

The facilitator for this session is Sekani Dakelth: You can find more information about Sekani attached.

Please feel free to register yourself and/or or send out this invitation to your networks.

Friday January 24th,  2025 at 11 AM-12 Noon Pacific time. 

Register here.