Workshop: Exploring STBBIs and Stigma

This is an introductory workshop on sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections and stigma for health and social service providers.

Thursday November 21, 9 AM-Noon Pacific time

​​Join a facilitated discussion on stigma and discrimination in the context of sexual health and substance use.

​​By the end of this workshop, you will:

  • ​​increase your knowledge of the various forms of stigma and the factors that contribute to sexually transmitted and blood-borne infection (STBBI)-related stigma;
  • ​​increase your ability to self-reflect on personal values and beliefs related to STBBIs, sexuality and substance use
  • ​​enhance your comfort in discussing STBBIs, sexuality and substance use; and
  • ​​increase your knowledge of tools and strategies to create safer and more inclusive services.


​​Accessibility notes:

  • ​​participant workbook sent out in advance and covers key terms and discussion questions;
  • ​​eating, drinking, cuddling pets, standing, walking, using fidget tools, and taking care of your bio needs independently is encouraged on screen or off;
  • ​​you have the right to pass;
  • ​​refreshment break scheduled mid-way;
  • ​​live captioning available

Facilitated by BC Hepatitis Network

​​Course created by Canadian Public Health Association and the Centre for Sexuality


Register now.