GLOWS Indigenous Health Grant funding

The GLOWS Indigenous Health Grant: Guiding Local Opportunities for Wellbeing is a co-created initiative between CAAN Communities, Alliances andNetworks and Gilead Sciences Canada that seeks to advance health equity within Indigenous communities by enhancing engagement in cultural, HIV and viral hepatitis care.

The grant is designed to support Indigenous-led solutions which address the unique needs of Indigenous peoples living with or at risk of HIV and viral hepatitis. CAAN and Gilead Sciences Canada are supported by the Indigenous Advisory Circle, a national group consisting of seven representatives who reflect the diverse Indigenous population across our nation. These individuals will play an important role in shaping our program to align seamlessly with the vision and priorities of Indigenous communities. We are grateful to for their guidance and wisdom.

Funding Priorities

The program is a step forward in supporting Indigenous peoples’ rights to autonomy specifically as it relates to our health and well-being and enabling us to deliver traditional medicines and healing practices within our communities. It aims to fund initiatives that align with at least one of the following funding priorities:

  • Education: Build awareness of HIV/viral hepatitis symptoms, drivers of transmission, and available care and treatments through Indigenous-ledculturally appropriate health information and services that support improved screening and diagnosis.
  • Peer Support and Navigation: Improve access to HIV/viral hepatitis care services that align with Indigenous ways of knowing and doing, helping to create safe environments for Indigenous people to navigate care settings, seek care and continue receiving care.
  • Holistic Care: Enable holistic healing with tools and services that enhance the capacity to deliver HIV/viral hepatitis and traditional care, helping to address the physical, mental, social and spiritual needs of Indigenous people.
  • Capacity Building: Support Indigenous-led organizations in strengthening staff skills and capabilities, infrastructure and administrative support, to continue delivering HIV/viral hepatitis services and expand organizational sustainability and community-based leadership.


Deadline to apply for this round of funding is Friday, November 1st, 2024.

You can find more information and apply at GLOWS Indigenous Health Grant.