PHSA is now accepting applications for the Innovation Fund. Information about this funding opportunity can be found in the guidelines below, and the application template should be used to apply for funding.
Innovation Fund Guidelines
The Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) Innovation Fund was created as part of the framework for HIV and HCV Prevention, Treatment and Support Services. Available to Community Based Organizations, this fund is dedicated to exploring innovative solutions with demonstrable impact to HIV and HCV in British Columbia. Projects may be provincially or regionally focused. PHSA is particularly interested in supporting projects that:
- Increase involvement of People with Lived Experience (PWLE).
- Increase program equity and services for HIV and HCV.
- Increase geographic equity by supporting program and service all across the province, particularly in rural/remote areas.
Proposal Guidelines
- Provides innovative solutions, programs or services that address the needs of people living with HIV and HCV within the province of British Columbia. Innovative means an idea, service, practice or product, new or applied in a new way, which creates a change and/or improvement in quality of care.
- Addresses existing gaps in the sector or improve programs, resources, or services.
- Includes meaningful engagement with the population it aims to serve and may include peer engagement or propose peer led programming.
- Target an underserved and/or hard to reach population.
- Has a positive impact on communities and/or to individual well-being as it relates to HIV and HCV.
- Organizations applying do not have other sources of funding that could be used for the proposed work.
- The project, service or initiative can be implemented within the allotted time frame.
Eligible expenses may include:
- Equipment or supplies integral to supporting the needs of people living with HIV and HCV.
- Peer payments aligned with Peer Payment Standards.
- Administrative expenses must not exceed 10% of the total project cost.
- The amount of funding available is approximately $140,000.
- The maximum amount awarded per application is $50,000. There is no minimum amount per application.
- All funding awarded must be spent by March 31, 2025.
- Funding is for community-based organizations only; academic institutions or health authorities are not eligible for funding.
- A corporate bank account is required.
- Only one application per organization is permitted.
- Reporting on the spending and impact of this funding must be provided to PHSA. Reporting templates and information will be provided to successful applicants.
- Any questions about the process should be directed to [email protected]
- Use the application template provided to apply for funding. This includes contact information, a summary of the proposed project, a brief implementation plan, information on collaborations and a budget.
- Applications can be submitted via email as a PDF to [email protected]
- Applications must be submitted by September 13, 2024, at 11:59 PM Pacific time.
- Ensure the initiative will benefit underserved and systemically marginalized populations.
- The proposed service or program has a focus on the needs of patients and clients.
- The proposal clearly identifies the need for the proposed initiative.
- Similar/existing programs are not sufficiently meeting needs of the population.
- Implementation plan is feasible and reasonable within budget.
- Geographic equity across health regions will be considered.
- Demonstrates competency in providing culturally safe services and trauma informed services.
- Adopts best practices for engaging peers, including appropriate support and safety for peers.
- Initiative is sustainable or will continue to serve population past the funding period.
- Applications will be reviewed by a PHSA adjudication committee.
- Applications are considered confidential, and all reviewers will be required to sign a confidentiality form.
- Applications will be evaluated using a scoring rubric and the criteria outlined.
- Applications that fall outside of the scope of these guidelines will not be considered.
- The review of applications and adjudication will take place from September 16 – October 9, 2024.
- Funding decisions will be communicated to applicants by Friday October 11, 2024.
Funding Details
Application and Review Process
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation of Applications