Job title: Peer Research Associate (PRA) (*1 Position Available*) with the British Columbia CARMA-CHIWOS Collaboration (BCC3) study
Job definition: PRAs are women living with HIV who are hired and trained as researchers on our core study team, and who have experiences and identities in common with the study participants that they will interview.
Job type: Part-time (5-20 hours per week from November 2020-May 2023, with hours varying by week)
Job location: Vancouver and the Lower Mainland
Reports to: Dr. Angela Kaida, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby BC
Please note that this position is reserved for an Indigenous woman living with HIV.
Study summary
The British Columbia CARMA-CHIWOS Collaboration (BCC3) is a CIHR-funded collaboration between two existing studies: the Children and women: AntiRetroviral therapy and Markers of Aging (CARMA) and the Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS). It is a 5-year, women-centred, community- and clinic-based research project. It brings together researchers, clinicians, community partners, and women living with HIV in British Columbia, with the goal of studying how to improve healthy aging for women living with HIV. BCC3 has several linked study objectives. These include investigating how chronic and latent viral infections (HIV, herpes simplex virus, hepatitis C, cytomegalovirus, and others) affect the aging of the immune system and the risk of developing age-related comorbidities or diseases. BCC3 also investigates how HIV and other viruses may affect a woman’s hormones levels (e.g. sex hormones or stress hormones), and how this may influence reproductive health outcomes and comorbidities. Finally, BCC3 will investigate healthy aging for sexual health, and how this may be influenced by the above factors and socio-structural determinants of health. The BCC3 study aims to enroll 350 women living with HIV and 350 women not living with HIV across the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. All participants will be asked to complete two study visits: one in person clinical visit at the Oak Tree Clinic at BC Women’s Hospital and another community-based study visit (either in person or remotely) led by a PRA.
Job summary
We are excited to hire an Indigenous PRA to join our research team. PRAs will assist with participant outreach and communication and will administer comprehensive computer-based surveys to study participants. The survey will include questions about mental, physical, emotional, reproductive and sexual health, as well as socio-structural determinants of health. PRAs will conduct interviews with women in or around Vancouver and the Lower Mainland.
All PRAs will receive and must complete a multi-phase PRA training session. This will include training in research methods, privacy and confidentiality, administering interviews, the BCC3 survey, computer literacy, participant support, and self-care. After training, PRAs will be responsible for administering 8-12 surveys per month with participants, over a 2.5 year period. Further details of duties and responsibilities are described below.
Women living with HIV from communities that have been traditionally marginalized or silenced are encouraged to apply, including lesbian, bi, and transgender women; racialized and Indigenous women; women engaged in sex work; and other women from groups who have been historically under-represented in health research. Please note that at least one PRA position will be reserved for Positive Aboriginal Women (PAW)*
Description of duties and responsibilities
1) Attend and participate in virtual PRA training sessions.
2) Engage in self-learning before and after each training phase.
3) Review and be familiar with training materials (e.g., the consent form and survey) before starting recruitment.
4) Collaborate with the BCC3 Coordinator, Oak Tree-based clinical research assistant, the BCC3 research team, community organizations and partners, and peer networks to recruit participants.
5) Assist with screening potential participants to confirm study eligibility.
6) Assist with referring participants (living with HIV and not) to the research team for part one of the study visit
7) Assist with obtaining voluntary, informed consent and interview study participants (both living with HIV and not).
8) Once a participant has completed the clinic-based visit, administer the BCC3 survey using a computer (laptops will be provided).
9) Administer the participant honorarium and complete necessary reporting paperwork.
10) Participate in regular BCC3 team meetings to discuss research and survey-related issues.
11) Connect with the BCC3 Coordinators and team members as needed.
12) Return all completed study materials to the BCC3 Coordinator (e.g., consent forms, honorarium receipts) in a timely fashion.
1) A woman living with HIV
2) Past experience and/or interest in working with women living with HIV
3) Compassion and understanding towards issues related to diversity, inequality, stigma and discrimination, and the needs of women living with HIV
4) Passionate about learning
5) Passionate about your community
6) Ability to work as part of a diverse team
7) Effective oral and written communication skills
8) Average (or above) literacy skills (e.g., reading, comprehension, writing)
9) Excellent time management and organizational skills
10) Detail oriented
11) Basic computer skills (e.g., comfortable using a computer, typing, sending emails, and accessing the internet);
12) Flexibility in working hours
13) Fluency in English
14) Past experience in community-based research is preferred.
1) Transportation and food during the training sessions in Vancouver will be covered.
2) Compensation for attending the PRA training sessions and attending BCC3 research team meetings will be provided.
3) A laptop will be provided to each PRA
4) Compensation for each completed survey will be provided at a rate of $80 per survey. This amount includes time required to complete the interview and for other duties and responsibilities outlined above (e.g., participant recruitment, administrative tasks).
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete and submit the attached application form via email and send it to the email address below. Please make sure that you have fully completed the application form. You may also attach and submit a resume, although this is optional. Deadline for applications is Wednesday, November 4, 2020.
Dr. Angela Kaida Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University c/o Rebecca Gormley, Coordinator BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS St. Paul’s Hospital, 608-1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6 Canada Phone: 604-558-6686 Fax: 604-559-9800 Email: [email protected] |
* PAW is a term coined by Kecia Larkin.