Educators’ Forum: Promoting Effective STBBI, HIV, Hepatitis C and Harm Reduction Education with Indigenous Peoples of BC
February 21 & 22, 2018
Radisson Hotel Airport (Richmond, BC)
General Application Information
The First Nations Health Authority in partnership with Vancouver Coastal Health, the BCCDC, YouthCO, CATIE and the Pacific AIDS Network are excited to be hosting a two-day gathering –Educators’ Forum: Promoting Effective STBBI, HIV, Hepatitis C and Harm Reduction Education with Indigenous Peoples of BC – for educators and harm reduction practitioners to learn, share wisdom and network.
The aim of the gathering is the promotion of effective STBBI, HIV, Hepatitis C and harm reduction education with community educators.
The event is scheduled for February 21 and 22, 2018 at the Radisson Hotel Airport in Richmond.
Please note that due to limited resources this event is by special invitation only and we are asking invitees to submit an application to attend the event.
Each individual wishing to attend the Educators’ Forum is required to complete a separate application form. If you are a presenter/facilitator for the event or a Planning Committee Member please contact Stacy Leblanc to receive the registration link ([email protected]).
Information collected via this application form is confidential and will be used solely for the purpose of determining attendance, evaluation purposes and for post-event follow up by the event sponsors.
The Planning Committee will review each application to help determine diverse geographic representation from around the province. Once the selections have been made you will be notified via email of your acceptance.
Accepted delegates will be provided with travel and accommodation support where required, but they will be negotiated on a delegate-by-delegate basis. All accepted delegates will be provided with free registration and breakfast and lunch on each of the two days of the event. In exchange for this free registration we ask that all training participants agree to complete post event evaluations (one at the end of the training itself and a follow-up survey 3-6 months following the event).
Applying to attend the Educators’ Forum
Please read this email carefully as it contains all the pertinent information to submit an application.
The deadline for submitting an application is Friday January 5th, by 4:00pm.
Space for this special event is limited and resources are finite. We therefore sincerely thank you in advance for respecting this and remind you that through the act of submitting an application, and should your application be successful, that you are agreeing to attend the entirety of all seminars, workshops, presentations, etc. that are part of the program. Failure to honour this agreement may result in your agency or organization being unable to register for future events as well as being billed for accommodation and conference food and beverage costs.
Exceptions will apply regarding health-related and/or exceptional circumstances. It is the responsibility of the individual to inform administration staff as to the reason for lateness or absence.
Please note, late applications will not be accepted and the online form will close automatically at 4:00pm (Pacific) on January 5th.
Registration and Event Meals Sponsorship:
All accepted delegates will be provided with free event registration and breakfast and lunch on each of the two days of the event.
Travel and Accommodation Sponsorship:
Accepted applicants will be provided with travel and accommodation support where required, but they will be negotiated on a delegate-by-delegate basis.
If the accepted applicant requires travel/flight support to attend you will be asked to arrange your flight through the Pacific AIDS Networks’ travel agent. Detailed information will be provided to applicants upon acceptance.
Rooms have been made available for accepted delegates at the Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport. To ensure accommodation applicants must submit the required accommodation information, via the online application form, at the time of submission.
Successful applicants will be eligible for one room night per day of training, unless you are not able to get back to your home community at the end of the session and in that case we will provide an additional night of accommodation. There will be no charge for shared rooms but a request for a single room will incur a charge of $90.00 per night (you will be invoiced in advance of the training).
Cancellation, Changes and No-Show Policy:
All delegates are responsible for notifying Planning Committee Administrative Desk (contact information available at the end of this page) of any cancellations within 5 business days of their scheduled arrival in order to avoid accommodation, and conference food and beverage, billing for non-attendance. In the event that a person does not arrive at the training hotel for this training (a no-show) the committee will invoice the accepted applicant for accommodation costs (where applicable) and a registration fee to cover program, venue and meal costs.
Expense and Reimbursement information for people travelling by car or bus:
The Planning Committee’s Administrative Desk will reimburse accepted applicant’s mileage at $0.51per kilometer, but only to the equivalent cost of an economy fare flight from that community.
If you are travelling by Greyhound Bus, or similar, we will also reimburse these expenses. Please note that travel receipts and boarding passes, where available, will be required with your reimbursement submission.
- Costs for cancelled or altered airfares/bus will not be reimbursed.
- Reimbursement forms will be available at the registration desk onsite.
- Expense claims received after 14 days WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED.
Janet Madsen
Capacity Building and Knowledge Translation Coordinator
Pacific AIDS Network
Tel: 604.725.5897
Email: [email protected]