BCCDC: Trends in New HIV diagnoses in BC for 2013

Read the latest post on the BCCDC’s Smart Sex Resource, by Daphne Ling, Epidemiologist, Clinical prevention Services.


In this post, the BCCDC presents the final number of new HIV diagnoses in BC for 2013, and describes recent trends by gender, region and exposure category. They used provincial HIV surveillance data to describe the number of new HIV diagnoses in BC and historical trends for 2003-2013.  New HIV diagnoses are a proxy for incidence because individuals may receive a diagnosis at varying stages of HIV infection.

The final number of new HIV diagnoses in 2013 is 272, for a rate of 5.8 per 100,000 (Figure 1).  This is a 15% increase from 237 cases in 2012 (5.1 per 100,000), which was a record low.  The annual count, however, remains lower than in years prior to 2012 and is consistent with an overall decreasing trend. READ MORE…


Daphne Ling, Epidemiologist, Clinical Prevention Services, BCCDC – See more at: http://smartsexresource.com/health-providers/blog/201406/trends-new-hiv-diagnoses-bc-2013?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+smartsexresource+%28STI+Updates+from+BCCDC%29#sthash.Sk9teLpF.dpuf

smartsexresourcesmartsexresourcesmartsexresourceWe present the final number of new HIV diagnoses in BC for 2013 and describe recent trends by gender, region and exposure category.


We used provincial HIV surveillance data to describe the number of new HIV diagnoses in BC and historical trends for 2003-2013.  New HIV diagnoses are a proxy for incidence because individuals may receive a diagnosis at varying stages of HIV infection.

– See more at: http://smartsexresource.com/health-providers/blog/201406/trends-new-hiv-diagnoses-bc-2013?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+smartsexresource+%28STI+Updates+from+BCCDC%29#sthash.Sk9teLpF.dpuf